The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
With tailgate season kicking off, let’s talk about what to bring with you to have a safe and fun time tailgating this football season!
- Comfortable shoes
- Standing for hours requires good padded shoes to make it the rest of the day. Make sure it’s a pair you don’t mind getting dirty!
- Texas BBQ
- Personal fan
- It gets hot in Texas, and a handheld fan is the perfect device to combat the heat
- Bottled water
- Hydration is key for making it through the game and the rest of the day; nobody wants cramps!
- Shade
- The last thing anybody wants is to stand in the sun all day and look like a lobster
- Good friends
- Weekends are meant for relaxing with friends especially at tailgates and football games
- Fun music
- Nothing’s better than hearing that one song that always gets you hyped!
- Sunglasses
- A good night’s sleep
- A fightin Texas Aggies fun time!!!