4 Professionals You Need to Contact After a Car Accident


When it comes to car accidents, chances are, you’re going to have a million different things going on in your head all at once. You just experienced an accident, so you have to let it sync into your brain. But on top of that, there are other things you have to think about, such as how the other person is (if there is another party), whether you are safe, if the other passengers are safe, how it happened, how you’re feeling, hows the car, what can be done, and so much more.

You’re just instantly overwhelmed with a lot of thoughts, feelings, and so much more. But do you know what to do after an accident? Do you know the professionals that need to be contacted? Keep reading on to find out more!

Emergency Medical Services

Depending on the severity of the car accident, you might have to call EMS, also known as 911. It is important to call emergency medical services immediately after a crash, especially if there are injuries. EMS staff can start providing treatment at the scene and extend it through the ambulance ride to the hospital. But again, this is only going to depend on the severity of the accident itself.

There may even be a chance where it’s not necessary at all, but instead, you just schedule a visit with your GP after the accident. But overall, this is a professional service that people often have to reach out to, so it’s worth considering if it’s needed.


While the EMS is optional, calling up the police isn’t an option at all, you have to do it. You don’t want to assume everything is fine and then leave. You could be considered fleeing the scene of a crime. Despite some people’s fears, it is always best to call the police, even in cases where the accident seems minor. Many car insurance policies require that you notify the police of any accident, regardless of its severity. In addition, a police report can be vital when it comes to filing an injury claim.


Police report important document information, including physical evidence like tire marks and crash damage; witness statements; traffic citations, if any; and the police officer’s opinion on who is to blame. While yes, this can be far from ideal, overall, it’s still going to be necessary.

Insurance Company

You don’t have to do this at the scene of the accident (usually), but you will still need to contact the insurance agency ASAP nonetheless. If you want to file a car accident claim for property damage or personal injury, you need to contact your insurance company. You have a limited time frame to report an accident, so make sure to contact your agent as soon as possible. Each state is going to have its own legal-specific needs when it comes to filing with its car insurance company.

This can include the other person’s name, license plate number, police badge, and number, and the list can go on and on. You’re also going to be expected to take photos as well; this includes the damage on both vehicles, damaged surroundings, and skid marks on the street too. You’ll have to do all of this ASAP.


Last but far from least, you’re going to need to think about getting an attorney. You’re going to have so much to juggle, but Anidjar & Levine can help you recover while you handle getting through this traumatic event. An attorney is also a professional you need to contact ASAP, preferably on the same day as the accident.

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