8 Movies/TV Series Whose Main Characters Have A Strong Mother-Daughter Relantionship


This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

May is Mother’s Month and we couldn’t help but talk about it! In addition to being such a special month, May has the perfect weather for cute movies and series. Temperatures usually aren’t so high, so it’s perfectly possible to spend a day watching amazing stuff on a roll with your mom! We separated 8 movies and series that are perfect to this moment.

Let’s start talking about the series!

Gilmore Girls (available on Netflix)

The TV show is a comedy about the relationship between a single mother and her teen daughter. The thirty-two-year-old single mom, Lorelai, lives with her teenage daughter Rory in the small town of Stars Hollow. The TV show is known for the strong friendship that Lorelai and Rory have. 

Once Upon a Time (available on Disney+)

The series is primarily set in the fictional seaside town of Storybrooke, Maine, in which the residents, who are actually from a fairy tale, are transported to the real world town and get their memories robbed. Emma, a visitant, becomes best friends with Mary Margareth without both of them knowing that they are actually mother and daughter.

Ginny and Georgia (available on Netflix)

This TV show is full of drama and plot twists. We have Georgia, a strong, brave, intense and intelligent woman. And Ginny, a melancholic, romantic and kinda insecure girl. Their relationship shows the reality behind mother-daughter dynamics. The TV show has 2 seasons and the third is being produced.

This is us (available on Amazon Prime)

Acclaimed by critics, this touching TV show tells the story of the Pearsons, a common family that has problems just like the others. Even though it seems to be simple, we learn many things by watching it. Kate and Rebecca, the respective daughter and mother, show how a real relationship really is and how we are able to deal with everything, we just need love and faith. This series has 6 seasons. 

And it isn’t over yet; now, the movies!

The Mother (available on Netflix)

Jennifer Lopez and Lucy Paez show all their talent in this amazing production. They are a very close mother and daughter, but their life is not normal. When enemies take her daughter away, the mother does all possible things to save her life. But this isn’t an easy mission.

Little Women (available on Apple TV)

This amazing movie tells the story of four sisters who travel with their mother after the Civil War. Together, they go through a lot of things that make their relationship difficult. But, when they realize how much love they feel for each other, the girls start to deal with things in different ways.

Freaky Friday (available on Disney+)

Tess and Anna live their lives in completely different styles and simply cannot understand their differences. Tess doesn’t understand Anna’s love for her music and Anna thinks her mom doesn’t respect her enough to understand. After they switch bodies and have to learn to deal with each other’s worlds, they realize both of them are struggling in ways the other didn’t realize.

Mamma Mia (available on Star+)

Bride-to-be Sophie Sheridan reveals to her bridesmaids that she has secretly invited three men to her wedding without telling her mother, Donna. She hopes one of them is her father. One love story steals the show and it is the love between Donna and Sophie, they are the perfect example of the true love that can exist between a mother and her daughter.

The productions above show a strong mother and daughter relationship along their story and are perfect to watch with our moms on such a special day.

And now that we have discussed all of these amazing TV series and movies, it’s time to celebrate this day with our moms, so set up the mood and grab your popcorn!

Happy Mother’s Day!


The article above was edited by Larissa Buzon.

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