Hot or Not? The Grammy Recap


The best and worst dressed of the annual music event

In lieu of the most star-studded week of the year, I think it’s only fair to write an article detailing everybody’s favorite part: the outfits. Regardless of slaps, snubs, performances, and nominations, outfits are always the one thing that is safe to talk about. So, I am doing the honors of crafting a list of the top three best and worst dressed for the event.  Now remember, just because someone is not on the worst dressed list, does not necessarily mean they slayed. I was actually fairly disappointed with the overall selection of outfits from these events. I think it is definitely going to be hard to find a best dressed, and hard to choose from all the worst dressed. With that positive thought in mind, let’s get into it. 

Best of the Grammys

1) Doja Cat

I don’t think there is a single person out there that hates this look. How could there be? The color is beautiful, it fits her and flatters all the right places, and the glittery sheer vibe gives it a little something extra. The blonde hair and the diamond jewelry are absolutely giving, without taking away from the outfit itself. It was Tinkerbell in the best way, and a prime example of the red carpet done right. 

2) Paris Hilton

Love her or hate her, I think we can all agree that Ms. Hilton looks good here. A cape is always a fashion risk, and yet this time, it paid off. The nude dress, the rhinestones, the silver designs, the high pony: they all are screaming elegance and perfectly complement each other. She’s totally working the royalty look, and the royalty look is working her.

3) Lil Nas X

Now my third candidate for best dressed at the Grammys was a little bit of a together choice, but I gave it to Lil Nas because he is rocking it so hard. His whole vibe is to be a little extra, so a patterned sequined two-piece suit is a completely plausible choice for him. The fit of the outfit is really nice, he looks comfortable in it, and I think the butterfly on the front as a pop of color was a good choice. Bro looks like he’s wearing a superhero costume, and guess what? It gives. 

Worst of the Grammys 

1) Justin Bieber 

This outfit reminds me of a 9-year-old boy who has to wear his dad’s suit for church. I mean this is a guy who has to have multiple tailors on hand, and he chose to ignore them all and wear a suit that was three sizes too large. I know, of course, that he did it on purpose, but I don’t really see what that purpose was or why on earth he would take such a risk at the GRAMMYS of all places. Now, take that oversized suit and add a pink beanie and sunglasses. Overall, it just made no damn sense. 

2) Tayla Parx

I mean…I think this was supposed to make a statement of some kind. It is beyond me what kind of statement wearing a bowser costume to the Grammys may make, but hey, to each their own. For me? It’s a no. There is nothing to save it, it’s literally just a giant Yoshi. Not even sure what kind of creature it is meant to be, but a style icon is certainly not one of them. 

3) Addison Rae 

Now, I know what most people have to say about Addison Rae’s appearance at the Grammys. But quite frankly, I don’t really care why she was there. What I do care about, however, is her attire. I think the wrist cuffs could be cool, but certainly not when paired with a nightgown. Like Lil Nas, I’m getting superhero vibes, but unlike Lil Nas, it is not giving. Generally, it’s just not enough for a Grammy’s look, and quite frankly, it’s not even enough for a prom. 

Now that I’ve blasted many of your favorite celebrities, I think it is important to note that just because I disliked an outfit of theirs does not mean I dislike them as a person. I wish everybody the absolute best, although I do wish some of them would fire their stylist. 

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