Does Adaptive Math Learning Sound Too Good to Be True? Here’s What You Need to Know


Math seems daunting to many adults and children, so it’s important to find the right learning technique. The school curriculum provides a sufficient amount of knowledge, but there is only one teacher. It cannot meet the needs of every student, take an approach to difficult children, changing the traditional program. Some children can understand mathematics easily, others find this science difficult. The school curriculum does not imply an individual approach to each student, it is a comprehensive program. Therefore, many are switching to adaptive learning, which has its pros and cons.

Benefits of Adaptive Math Learning

It can be called a tool that applies an individual approach to each student. You choose the program yourself, paying attention to your level of knowledge. For parents, this technique is also convenient because they know the strengths and weaknesses of their children. Here they can change the program, add new lessons or re-learn a topic that has become incomprehensible to the child. At home, learning can become more effective because students are not distracted by social issues. There are also other benefits of adaptive math learning:

  • Students become more self-reliant because they see courseware software. They can choose suitable materials based on their knowledge and gaps in mathematics.
  • Such an education system allows students to learn at a suitable pace. They can repeat an incomprehensible topic by studying information from other sources. You do not need to “run” through the program, study everything at your usual speed.
  • Students become more involved and interested because they choose the appropriate teaching technique. For example, many people prefer a game format with tests with an interactive plot. It is easier to take than boring lectures in the classroom.
  • Many schools are expensive, so parents take their children home to study. We can say that adaptive math learning will cost you less. Even if you take into account that many online courses are paid. But you can also find convenient and accessible learning techniques, such as eSM.
  • There are portals that offer tips, resources and additional helpful articles to improve your knowledge. You can consult with experts and find out what training techniques have appeared in the news. What is better to choose and how to learn better, which platforms are better and which resources are worse?
  • There are group courses that support each student. These can be small groups of 2-5 people, but here it is easier for teachers to pay more attention to the needs of each student. School groups are usually about 30 people and it is difficult for teachers to pay attention to each student individually.

There are also other benefits that students get from adaptive learning. The student has more attention even from the parents who can help him get answers to any question. Often parents are busy at work, so they are happy that the child goes to school. Adaptive learning can be at home where parents can spend more time with their child, seeing their difficulties and successes.

Other Important Points

If you think adaptive math learning sounds good, it generally is. But like any teaching technique, this system also has its drawbacks. Let’s define the main cons:

  • An important factor that was noted by many students of this technique is the feeling of loneliness in the virtual world. It seems to students that they are alone even if they study in a group, in an online group.
  • Many tests, tasks, quizzes scare. Do you remember how nervous you were before the test at school. Here you see the same tasks and they seem impossible.
  • Once you’ve found an individual program, you’ll be tempted to jump over a few topics. But you can’t do this because you’ll miss an important element from the structure.
  • Adaptability is not always the best way to explain material to a student. Sometimes you still need traditional books and a school curriculum.

You need to understand that this learning technique is not a magic pill that will give you the superpower to understand math better. Carefully consider whether this technique is suitable for you, why is it better than the school curriculum? Can you devote enough time to study and is the program you found right for you? Studying the pros and cons will help you make the right decision.


Adaptive learning of mathematics is becoming more and more popular both in America and in Europe. Many have found it more accessible and easier, so they are actively studying mathematics through numerous virtual programs. See if this training program is right for you or your child. After listening to experienced teachers, make your own decision. Many of them advise trying several lessons.

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