Here’s the most updated info on when the next ACT test is happening and when you have to register.
At this moment, the next ACT test date is Saturday, September 10, 2022.
Make sure you prep correctly, using our top 5 ACT prep strategies.
The next ACT registration deadline is August 5, 2022. The deadline for late registration (with an added fee) is August 19, 2022.
Make sure you know how to sign up for the ACT and how much it costs.
Scores for the June 16, 2022 ACT will be released beginning June 26, 2022. Scores for students who took the ACT with Writing will be released closer to September 9, 2022.
Do you know what a good ACT score is? Make sure you have the right target score in mind.
It’s important to do well on the ACT. Here are our best strategy guides to get you on track to improving your ACT score.
Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points?
Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don’t improve your ACT score by 4 points or more.
Our program is entirely online, and it customizes your prep program to your strengths and weaknesses. We also have expert instructors who can grade every one of your practice ACT essays, giving feedback on how to improve your score.
Check out our 5-day free trial: