The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.
When it comes to college, we always think that everything needs to be related to studies. However, in many moments, we need things that make us feel the complete university experience that we always imagined. JUCA (University Games of Arts & Communication) is here to prove that four days can become the most unforgettable of your college years.
Created in 1993, with its first edition in São Bernardo do Campo, a city in the countryside of São Paulo, JUCA attracts more than nine thousand communication students, from eight different faculties, every year. Currently, there are 10 sports in the tournament, including soccer, chess, table tennis and basketball. The current champion is Faculdade Cásper Líbero, which in 2023 achieved its fifth championship. The college with the most titles is Mackenzie (15), with its last title in 2016.
Is JUCA really that important?
The emotion of experiencing JUCA as an athlete is unique, as Júlia Hiagon (19), women’s soccer player says: “seeing the crowd there for you is surreal, singing and shouting, making it more special, it is an event.” In addition to the sensations, she talks about the importance of sports during college and how taking them to an event as big as this one changes people’s lives “you feel very motivated with your teammates and the audience, it feels like you are a star at that moment”. Another important moment she mentions is about getting your head of college issues and add fun and friendship to the academic environment.
In addition to athletes and civilians, we have athletic associations and rhythmists. This entire set becomes important during the four day trip. The Cásper Líbero Marching Band is the biggest in JUCA, they form a red sea (the college’s official color) anywhere they go, and it is impossible not to sing with the audience and the rhythm players.
“JUCA is an escape from reality. During all four days you forget your problems and feel like you belong to the place. Going with Cásper is very exciting, seeing everyone in red.” says Matheus Sartori (19), who in addition to being a student, is also a rhythm player at the Cásper Líbero Band.
Luís Felipe (19), another player at Cásper, completes Matheus’ speech: “It’s tiring, but it’s very incredible when you see everyone there for the same reason, with the Band mainly. I feel like it’s a sensational thing.” Mariana Magoga (21), also a rhythm player, defines JUCA as “unforgettable”, and continues saying how the integration is one of the most important moments of the event: “you can find people that you will work with in a few years, the love of your life, a friend for life.” She speaks once again about the feeling of being a student and rhythm player at Cásper: “This feeling becomes palpable and real, you play, sing, and everything that seemed distant is now in front of you.”
Jesse Owens Academic Athletic Association
If there are people who literally work to make JUCA happen, those people are from the Athletic Association. At Cásper Líbero, the college athletics is known as the Jesse Owens Academic Athletic Association, and has several members from different years and majors. Victória Acquaviva (18), is from the Communication area, and it’s her first time going to JUCA as an athletic, but she’s already been there as a basketball player and talks about her experience “Last year (2023) I was a freshman, so I was a little afraid because I didn’t know what to expect. But it was the most incredible four days. I remember that I told my friends that we were only going again after our senior year, but we returned to São Paulo already thinking about JUCA 2024”.
Milena Ribeiro (20), who is part of the Arts area at Jesse Owens A.A.A, is going to her first JUCA and tells us what her expectations are: “I’m very excited, there’s a lot to do. There’s a lot of demand to deliver, talking to sponsors and suppliers, but all this effort will bring a reward. We see that up front, people will enjoy it and it will be very rewarding.” Bruna Alves (20), is already in her fourth year of Athletics, she is currently in the Events area, which takes care of the organization of JUCA. “Living a JUCA is inexplicable. Do you know that saying ‘Only those who live understand’? That’s literally it. There are so many emotions, and it’s crazy to think that four days can give you totally different emotions.” said Bruna.
Final verdict
After all these stories, we can be sure that JUCA is one of the most incredible experiences anyone could have throughout their academic journey. It is a unique moment of integration and belonging for your perception of college and for anyone who studies there. Feeling the colors of your University vibrate, the crowd’s screams spread through the room and watch people play with passion is simply exhilarating and incomprehensible. If you have the opportunity to participate in a JUCA or any other university championship, be happy and go live the best moments of your life.
The article above was edited by Manuela Miniguini.
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