The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives


The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Holy Cross chapter.

Filled with scandals, swig, and secrets, hulu’s newest reality show is captivating millions of viewers across America. The series gives a behind the scenes look at the lives of a group of Utah moms who have a massive tiktok following. Oh, and they’re all mormon. 

I’m a massive reality TV fan so I decided to give it a try despite not having followed the moms previously. Coming into this as a “new” follower I was instantly hooked. It dives deeper into one of the biggest social media scandals TikTok has ever seen. I won’t give away too much but there are clips from shocking tiktok lives, and police bodycam footage from one of the mom’s arrest. Once I started watching the show my tiktok for you page was flooded with people using the intro music, reviews of the show, and the moms themselves.  

It was also really interesting to see how how influencers live their day to day. The matching sweat sets, “content days”, and the brand partnerships were all mind blowing. 

I can tell you right now that your opinions of some of the moms will probably change over the course of the season (or in my case the three days it took me to watch it). So change into sweats, grab a swig, and get ready to watch.

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