AP Test Dates 2023 (& When AP Scores Come Out)


Your last quarter grades are in, your A list colleges are lined up, now you just need your AP scores to complete your portfolio. How exciting!

You may be wondering when to expect your AP scores this year. Depending on your exam testing date and the type of test you take, you may expect your scores to be delivered to you digitally or via mail. 

Depending on your test type, your AP scores may be delivered between April 2023 for digital scores – July 2023. Be sure to keep your phone number and mailing address current so that you can receive your scores promptly and accurately. 

AP Central has compiled an FAQ for students who have questions about their score. In this article, we’ll discuss the 411 on AP exams, test dates, and scoring reports so you know what to expect. 

AP Exam Dates

A copy of the AP testing schedule can be found online at AP Central, and is listed as follows:

Week 1Morning 8 a.m.Local TimeAfternoon 12 p.m.Local Time
Monday,May 1, 2023United States Government and PoliticsChemistrySpanish Literature and Culture
Tuesday,May 2, 2023Chinese Language and CultureEnvironmental SciencePsychology
Wednesday,May 3, 2023English Literature and CompositionComparative Government and PoliticsComputer Science A
Thursday,May 4, 2023Human GeographyMacroeconomicsSeminarStatistics
Friday,May 5, 2023European HistoryUnited States HistoryArt HistoryMicroeconomics
Art and Design: Friday, May 5, 2023 (8 p.m. ET), is the deadline for AP Art and Design digital portfolios to be submitted to the AP Program.
Week 2Morning 8 a.m.Local TimeAfternoon 12 p.m.Local TimeAfternoon 2 p.m.Local Time
Monday,May 8, 2023Calculus ABCalculus BCComputer Science PrinciplesItalian Language and Culture 
Tuesday,May 9, 2023English Language and CompositionJapanese Language and CulturePhysics C: MechanicsPhysics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Wednesday,May 10, 2023Spanish Language and CultureBiology 
Thursday,May 11, 2023French Language and CultureWorld History: ModernPhysics 1: Algebra-Based 
Friday,May 12, 2023German Language and CultureMusic TheoryLatinPhysics 2: Algebra-Based 

Table Courtesy of AP Central, 2023

It’s also important to note that exams must begin in the morning between 8 and 9 local time, and in the afternoon between noon and 1 pm local time, with certain exceptions. Moreover, AP Seminar end-of-course exams are only available to students taking AP Seminar in a participating AP Capstone Diploma Program school. 

May 1, 2023 at 11:59 pm is the hard deadline for AP Seminar, AP Computer Science Principles, & AP Research students to submit performance tasks & presentations for scoring. 

*There are certain circumstances that make it necessary for students to test late. In such cases, AP Exams use an alternate test for late testing, and must be taken at a scheduled time. More info on late testing can be found found on AP Central’s website

AP Scores & More

Your AP score report will include a copy of previous AP Exam scores that you’ve taken in the past. Your entire score history can be sent to the designated college, university, or scholarship program of your choosing. 

Have a score you’d rather not have your admission counselor see? It’s possible to withhold or cancel any of your scores as you choose. 

It’s important to note that some scores may take longer to process than others. This can be due to:

  • Later testing dates
  • Late arrival of testing materials
  • Extra time needed to match records
  • Extenuating circumstances

AP Central will email you when your score is added to your report. If you have scores from past years that aren’t showing up on your report, AP Central customer service is here to help. Send them an online form or give them a call (888-225-5427) to resolve any issues you’re having with viewing your score report. 

To ensure that your scores arrive to you on time and without extra hassle, visit your College Board account today and make sure all of your information is current and correct. 

You only need to make one account. This is how all of your scores across your academic career will be documented. (If you made a mistake or created multiple accounts, the College Board team can clear things up if you give them a call. No stress!)

Be sure that your mailing address and phone number are both accurate so that you don’t have any delays or snafus in your score delivery. As always, keep in mind that you’re doing your best and it’s important that you cheer on your progress.

Wishing you all the best,

Prep Expert

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