For our second campus cutie, I sat down with Fairfield Lax’s own Braden Lynch. He’s a real catch, now let’s get into it.


Campus Cutie: Braden Lynch 

Year: 2024 

Hometown: Baldwinsville, NY 

Major: Finance 

Minors: Sports Leadership and Management 

Relationship Status: Super single 

Hobbies: Lacrosse (D1 at Fairfield, defenseman), any type of sport, hanging out with friends, wiffleball 

Favorite Restaurant: In Baldwinsville, NY- Tullys & in Fairfield- Colony Grill 

Favorite Color: Red 


Would you rather live underwater or in a tree? 

In a tree (the ocean scares me) 

Who would play you in a movie of your life? 

Toby Mcguire (Because Spiderman is pretty neat) 

What song reflects your life right now?

“Meet Me Halfway” by Black Eyed Peas 

If you were an animal what would you be? 

A hawk (they can fly around and see all parts of the world, they’re mobile without a car. I don’t have a car on campus)

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? 

Hilton Head Island, SC because there is so much to do, great weather, awesome small little town on the beach 

Would you rather I give you 1 million dollars right now or 25,000 every year for the next 40 years?


How do you like your eggs cooked and why? 

Scrambled because it’s the only way I know how to do it.

What is your coffee order? What do you think that says about you? 

I do a medium iced coffee with cream and vanilla, used to have sugar in there but want to stay healthy. I think this says that Im a go getter and I need an extra kick in the morning. I need a little spice in my life. 

Ideal first date?

Mini golf, put put. Sober assassin. 

Boxers or briefs?


Do you have TikTok? What side of TikTok are you on?

I do have tik tok. I dont post but a lot of family guy on my tik tok for some reason. 



Blynch/ Lynchie 

When did you start playing lacrosse? 

5 years old 

What position do you play? 

I play defense 

Whos your favorite teammate? Why? 

My favorite teammate has got to be Joey Costantino because hes always got a smile on his face and hes just a great guy to be around. 

Whos your least favorite teammate? Why? 

My least favorite teammate is Jon Wheat because he doesn’t stop talking and makes the most absurd comments/ memes I’ve ever heard.                                                       

Would you rather date an athlete or a NARP? 

An athlete because they understand what a fellow student athlete goes through 

Whats your type? 

Brunette, caring, outgoing, fun 

Have you ever been in a relationship before? 

Yes, but it never ends well. 

Mama’s boy or Daddy’s boy? 

Mamas boy 

What is something you want people to know about you?

I love Marvel movies, I don’t have a favorite 

What are you being for Halloween?

Its in the works currently, lot of ideas have been thrown out there just have to hit the purchase button. Potentially a teletubby or a super hero. 

What’s something no one knows about you?

I am not flexible at all, I have never touched my toes 

Piece of advice?

Never judge a book by its cover 

What’s the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to you? 

Oh which one. I don’t even know where to go on this one. An embarrassing nickname in high school I was called Kirk because I was named a look alike of the basketball player Kirk Hinrich. 

Have you ever been in trouble on campus?

Yes. This year. But the information why will not be disclosed to the public. 

Pet peeve/ ICK?

Dirty house/ room. 

Fun fact?

I think somewhere down the line I’m related to John Wilkes Booth 

Closing remarks: 

Super pumped to be honest with the campus of Fairfield U while I continue my junior year 

Instagram: @b_lynch13

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