Complete Official SAT Practice Tests, Free Links


Official SAT tests released by the College Board are the absolute gold standard for SAT practice questions. Each official practice test contains real questions given to actual students at previous administrations of the SAT.

In this article, I’ll show you where to find all official SAT practice tests online. This comprehensive guide gives you access to more practice tests than any other guide out there. Most of these tests are free and are great practice to get started with your SAT prep. We’ll also discuss how to use these practice tests to help you get the most improvement possible out of them.

A Quick Introduction to SAT Practice Tests

I’ve divided the sources of SAT practice tests into a few categories based on what version of the SAT the tests follow. There are three basic versions:

  • Digital SAT (2023–present, out of 1600)
  • SAT (2016 to 2023, out of 1600)
  • Old SAT (pre-2016, out of 2400)
  • Very old SAT (pre-2005, out of 1600)

All free tests are released publicly by the College Board and made available for download without copyright concerns.

Tests based on the current SAT are by far the best to use for SAT practice since they’re exactly like the SAT. While you can still use old SAT practice tests, it’s important to be aware of out-of-date question types, scoring systems, and sections.


Digital SAT Practice Tests (2023–Present, Out of 1600)

In 2022, the College Board announced that the SAT would soon be administered only on a computer. The new digital format of the standardized exam began in March 2023 for international students and in March 2024 for U.S. students. After 2024, pencil-and-paper tests will no longer be offered.

Since you’ll want to take digital practice tests that emulate the most current version of the exam, here’s our roundup of the most accurate simulations of the new digital SAT.



The closest you can get to taking the actual SAT is the free, full-length practice exams in Bluebook, College Board’s online testing platform. The four available practice tests provide you with a sneak peek of the interface, format, and scoring of the online test, so they’re a useful tool as you prepare for the new digital format.

In addition to full-length exams, Bluebook also offers previews of individual questions from the actual SAT. Even these are useful as you’re trying out the new digital interface and learning what kinds of math problems and reading prompts to expect.


Bluebook Screenshot


To access the practice exams, download the free Bluebook Exams app. You’ll want to install the program on your laptop or tablet rather than on your phone so you can best approximate the experience of taking the digital SAT.

If you do not have a device at home and need to take practice tests and the actual SAT on a tablet or laptop provided by your school, you may need to ask permission before downloading Bluebook to a campus device to complete practice tests. Seek out your school’s official test administrator if you need support.


Khan Academy Official SAT Practice

Since 2015, College Board has partnered with Khan Academy to provide SAT prep resources. These free resources include a course designed to acquaint you with the different skill sets tested on the digital SAT. For example, you can explore the different levels of SAT Math topics (e.g., problem-solving, algebra, and geometry) and Reading and Writing questions, from grammar and argument to connecting ideas or texts.


Khan Academy Screenshot


The course provides reading materials, video tutorials, and practice questions as well as lessons and test-taking strategies designed to help you better understand what to expect on the new digital SAT. Khan Academy’s Official Digital SAT Prep also offers diagnostic quizzes and a full-length test to prepare you for the online version of the test.


The Digital PSAT

College Board will begin offering digital versions of the PSAT in fall 2023. The digital PSAT will be comparable to the digital SAT in terms of format. So if you’re planning to take the SAT as a junior in spring 2024, you can preview the interface by taking the PSAT the previous year.

Khan Academy hosts digital PSAT practice tests as well, so if you’re trying to maximize your preparation, consider taking those sample exams and reviewing the lessons and explanations provided before moving on to the digital SAT practice tests.


Using Paper Tests to Prepare for the Digital SAT

The College Board suggests that if you’re planning to register for the digital SAT, you should not take paper-based practice tests to prepare. That’s because the paper practice tests currently available are based on a different version of the SAT, which is longer (three hours instead of just over two), has longer questions (e.g., longer reading comprehension passages), and is divided into three sections rather than the digital SAT’s two. So if you’re looking to optimize your test prep, focus on working through digital practice tests rather than paper versions.

The primary exception the College Board makes is for those students who do not have easy access to a computer for practice tests. In that case, the College Board website has made nonadaptive PDF versions of full-length digital practice tests available. They won’t fully mimic the digital testing experience, but they are still excellent study resources for your test preparation.

 That said, if you’re just looking to get into test mode, drill specific topics, and get some extra practice, reviewing previous versions of the paper SAT can still be helpful. Stick with official tests from the College Board and Khan Academy because those are the gold standard when it comes to familiarizing yourself with how questions will be worded. We also suggest using practice tests only from the past five years so that the type, style, and wording of the questions will be closer to what you’ll see on the digital format.  

Ignore any questions that you know will no longer show up. For example, the new digital SAT will no longer test your reading skills with passages from historical documents. They also won’t ask you to determine whether an idiomatic phrase is written correctly (e.g., whether it should say as a means through versus as a means of), and they’ve eliminated prompts that assess your ability to discern homophones and commonly confused words, such as affect and effect or waist and waste.


Free Paper SAT Practice Tests (2016–2023, Out of 1600)

These are the only eight official practice tests for the SAT offered between 2016 and 2023–2024, provided by College Board itself. These are helpful tests to use when studying for the SAT.

Practice Test 1: Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations

**Practice Test 2: Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations

Practice Test 3: Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations

**Practice Test 4: Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations

Practice Test 5: Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations

Practice Test 6: Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations

Practice Test 7: Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations

Practice Test 8: Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations

Practice Test 9: Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations

Practice Test 10: Questions | Answers | Answer Explanations


** College Board removed these two practice tests from their website, but you can still access them via the links we’ve provided.


Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? We’ve written a guide about the top five strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

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Free SAT Practice Tests, Old Format (Pre-2016, Out of 2400)

College Board does not recommend using practice tests older than five years . However, if you’re just looking for extra questions to think and work through, the tests in this section follow the old 2400-point format of the SAT, with separate Reading, Math, and Writing sections. This test had its last administration in January 2016.

Be sure to note the major changes between the old and current SAT. Here’s how you should be using these older practice tests:

  • Know that the structure and timing are different. The digital SAT now has only two sections and doesn’t skip around subjects like the old SAT did.

  • Reading passages on the digital SAT are much shorter, and you’ll need to answer only one question per excerpt. But in these old SAT practice tests, the Reading passages and questions are still useful to practice your comprehension and analytical thinking.

  • Writing on the SAT tests similar grammar skills—but they’re tested in a different passage-based format. You can use these old SAT tests to practice key SAT grammar rules.

  • Math on the SAT is similar in format, but it now emphasizes algebra and advanced math, with fewer questions on problem solving, data analysis, geometry, and trigonometry. Feel free to use these old tests for math practice, but be sure to focus more on the skills that the current SAT assesses.


Official SAT Practice Test 2013–14: Questions | Answers

Official SAT Practice Test 2012–13: Questions | Answers

Official SAT Practice Test 2007–08: Questions | Answers

Official SAT Practice Test 2004–05: Questions | Answers


All of the other years are repeats of these tests, including 2011-12, 2010-11, 2009-10, 2008-09, 2006-07, and 2005-06. You might find these on other forums or websites. Don’t waste time taking these tests, as they’re the same tests as the four above.


Free SAT Practice Tests, Very Old Format (Pre-2005, Out of 1600)

Before the redesigned SAT in 2016, the last time the SAT changed was in 2005. This was back when I took it and earned a perfect SAT score.

The following links are a hidden gold mine of old tests that few students know about, so by taking these tests, you’ll have that much more of an edge over current students.

However, there are important caveats to know before taking these tests:

  • Skip the analogy questions on Reading sections. These are the questions that look like “CAR : ENGINE ::.” You won’t see this question type on the SAT now, so don’t spend any time on it. That said, the passage questions are all still very useful.

  • Skip the comparison questions on Math sections. These are the ones that show two boxes and ask you to choose whether A or B is greater. Since this question type isn’t on the SAT anymore, there’s no use practicing it.

  • There are no Writing sections on these tests. As a result, you won’t get the grammar and English practice you need to do well on the SAT’s Writing and Language section.

Be grateful you didn’t need to do some of these old-format questions—analogies were the main reason that the SAT got a bad rap for forcing students to memorize vocab!


Official SAT Test 2004-05: Questions | Answers

Official SAT Test 2003-04: Questions | Answers

Official SAT Test 2002: Questions + Answers

Official SAT Test 2001: Questions + Answers


Disappointed with your SAT scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? We’ve written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

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Three Additional Resources for Official SAT Practice

We’ve given you all official SAT practice tests above, but is there anything else you can use for quality SAT practice? Each of the following resources contains more official, quality SAT practice.


#1: Official Digital SAT Website Sample Questions

On top of full-length practice tests, the College Board website offers a decent number of sample SAT questions for the Reading and Writing and Math sections. I highly recommend using this resource for extra SAT practice.

In total, you’ll get the following for each section:

  • Reading and Writing: 15 questions with answer explanations
  • Math: 18 questions with answer explanations

#2: Khan Academy Online SAT Practice


Price: Free!

The College Board has partnered with Khan Academy to offer free and official online SAT prep to test takers. Khan Academy offers full-length tests as well as practice questions with answer explanations for both the paper and digital versions of the exams. All of these practice prompts are useful regardless of which format of the SAT you’re planning to take.

Although the website doesn’t offer a comprehensive prep program, it does offer a lot of extra, high-quality SAT practice questions not available elsewhere.

Khan Academy’s best feature is its tutorial videos, which teach you step-by-step how to approach and solve specific SAT question types, from Math questions dealing with linear functions to Reading and Writing questions focused on parallel structure.


#3: The Official SAT Study Guide, 2020 Edition


Price: Varies depending on quality (about $10–$20)

The 2020 edition of the official SAT prep book contains practice tests not available online, and it’s helpful if you’re looking for a massive source of practice material.

That being said, remember that the format used here differs considerably from the digital version of the SAT. Therefore, I recommend using these practice questions in isolation instead of taking the tests in full. As you go through the book, pinpoint the questions most like those on the current SAT, and then drill them for extra practice.




How to Use Official SAT Tests Effectively: Five Key Tips

There’s an art to using official SAT tests effectively and getting the biggest improvement from your time investment. Here are five critical strategies to keep in mind when taking the tests:


#1: Use Strict Timing on Each Section

Most students have issues with time pressure on the SAT. Adding just two minutes to a section’s time limit can change your score by as many as hundreds of points. So don’t deceive yourself about your abilities; the point of practice tests is to identify your weaknesses.

Here are the official time limits for each section as well as how much time you should (approximately) spend per question:

Digital SAT SectionTimeNumber of QuestionsTime per Question
Reading and Writing64 minutes5471 seconds
Math70 minutes4495 seconds


#2: Take the Test in One Sitting

The SAT last two hours and 14 minutes. I’ve heard from hundreds of students how difficult it is to stay focused and avoid careless mistakes at the end of the test. Just like training for a marathon, you have to make sure you have enough endurance for the SAT—which is why it’s so important to take each SAT practice test in one sitting.

If there’s no possible way for you to take a practice test in one go, it’s OK to split it up over a few days. Ideally, you’ll split up the test in such a way that you’re not stopping and starting midway through any module.

In the end, it’s better to do some practice than none at all. Just make sure to time yourself on each section.


#3: Review Your Answers

The point of taking practice tests isn’t to just do a lot of questions—it’s also to learn from your mistakes.

For every test, spend time reviewing the mistakes you made as well as every question you got right. If you don’t know why you missed a question, don’t just gloss over it! Doing this keeps you from being able to identify and attack your weaknesses. As a result, you’ll end up making the same mistakes over and over again, ultimately hampering your score.

In short, prize study quality over quantity. I’d rather you take three practice tests with detailed review than six practice tests with no review.


#4: Take at Least Four Practice Tests Before Test Day

I’ve found from experience with thousands of students that this number of tests gets you really comfortable with the SAT in all respects—timing, endurance, stress, etc. You can definitely take more tests if you want, but make sure to balance this with focused prep on your weaknesses so that you can ultimately make faster progress.


#5: No Score Improvement? Find Extra Support

Some students can learn perfectly by themselves with practice tests—they’ll see a mistake they made and instantly realize why they made that mistake and avoid it in the future. Most students, however, need additional help to pinpoint their weaknesses and teach them the key skills and strategies for doing well on the SAT.

Good options for extra support include tutors, prep programs, and classes. To do well on the SAT, you’ll need to determine what kind of support works best for your particular learning style (as well as your budget). Our free guide can help you figure out what kind of support is right for you.


What’s Next?

Want to get a super high SAT score? I scored a perfect SAT score, and I teach you what it takes to get a perfect score yourself.

Here are the best study guides for SAT Reading, SAT Writing, and SAT Math, available anywhere. I guarantee you that these guides will improve your score!




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