Full List of 1,000+ Colleges That Don’t Require ACT Scores


Applying to college usually means writing some essays, asking for letters of recommendation, and submitting your transcripts. But what about the ACT and SAT? Is the ACT required for college? The answer is, not necessarily!

In this guide, we explain what test-optional colleges are and give you the complete list of 1,000+ colleges that don’t require ACT scores from applicants. We also offer a few tips for what to do with these ACT-optional college lists.

Note: for a list of schools temporarily not requiring test scores due to COVID-19, read this article instead. Otherwise, read on to see which schools are always test-optional, test-flexible, or test-blind.


Is the ACT Required for College? Not Necessarily

First off, is the ACT required for college in the United States? Or not?

Though many four-year colleges and universities in the United States require ACT or SAT scores for admission, these days, many do not. Colleges that don’t require ACT scores are known as “test-optional” schools. This means that you do not have to send in any ACT/SAT scores with your application but may if you want to. In the end, it’s your choice whether you submit test scores or not.

A test-optional policy gives you more control over how you present yourself in your college applications. For example, if you didn’t do particularly well on the ACT, then you could choose not to submit your scores, thereby preventing them from negatively impacting your chances of getting in.

But not all colleges have the same exact test-optional policy. Below, we look at the various policies schools have regarding optional ACT scores.


Test Optional

With this policy, ACT and SAT scores are entirely optional, meaning you can choose whether to send them in. In other words, you get to decide how you want to present yourself to colleges.

For instance, if your ACT scores are on the lower end, you might withhold them and instead focus on strengthening other parts of your application, such as your personal statement. This way your low scores won’t count against you in the admissions process.

Here are some examples of popular ACT-optional colleges:


Test Flexible

A test-flexible school is a little different from a purely test-optional school. At these schools, you still need to send in test scores; however, you can submit scores from other tests in place of the ACT/SAT. Usually these can be scores from AP tests, IB tests, and other school-administered exams.

Popular test-flexible schools include the following:


Class Rank/GPA Substitution

Some schools, primarily large state universities, will waive the ACT/SAT score requirement only if you meet a certain class rank and/or GPA minimum. You’ll also be automatically admitted to that school! But if you do not meet these requirements, you’ll have to send in your ACT/SAT scores like everyone else.

Requirements vary depending on the university, but typically you’ll need a class rank in at least the top 10% and/or at least a 3.5 unweighted GPA.

Here are some popular schools that offer this substitution policy:


Test Blind

The last type of test-optional policy is test blind. With this policy, you are not supposed to submit any ACT/SAT scores. So if you decided to include ACT scores in your application, they would not be considered in the admissions process—even if you got a perfect score!

Test blind schools include the University of California schools (at least through 2025), Hampshire College, and Washington State University. The number of test blind schools is growing; however, it’s still a very rare policy.


Now that we’ve gone over the four different kinds of test-optional policies, let’s take a look at some of the best colleges and universities that don’t require ACT scores.




350+ Top-Tier Colleges That Don’t Require ACT Scores

Below are 350+ top-tier colleges that don’t require ACT scores for admission. Some schools are purely test optional, whereas others are test flexible or offer applicants guaranteed admission if they meet a certain minimum class rank and/or GPA requirement.

For these lists, we’re defining “top-tier” as any school ranked within the top 250 spots on its respective US News 2022 ranking list. US News sorts schools into several categories, such as National Liberal Arts Colleges, National Universities, Regional Universities North, etc. We kept these categorizations and sorted the schools alphabetically within them.

Skim these lists to see whether there are any ACT-optional colleges that interest you. If you’re looking for a particular school, use ctrl + f on your keyboard to search for it.


National Liberal Arts Colleges

School NameState
Agnes Scott CollegeGA
Allegheny CollegePA
Augustana CollegeIL
Austin CollegeTX
Bard CollegeNY
Bates CollegeME
Beloit CollegeWI
Bennington CollegeVT
Birmingham-Southern CollegeAL
Bowdoin CollegeME
Bryn Mawr CollegePA
Bucknell UniversityPA
Colby CollegeME
College of the AtlanticME
College of IdahoID
College of the Holy CrossMA
Colorado CollegeCO
Connecticut CollegeCT
Cornell CollegeIA
Denison UniversityOH
DePauw UniversityIN
Dickinson CollegePA
Drew UniversityNJ
Earlham CollegeIN
Elizabethtown CollegePA
Franklin and Marshall CollegePA
Furman UniversitySC
Gettysburg CollegePA
Goucher CollegeMD
Guilford CollegeNC
Gustavus Adolphus CollegeMN
Hamilton College “Test Flexible”NY
Hanover CollegeIN
Hartwick CollegeNY
Hendrix CollegeAR
Hobart and William Smith CollegesNY
Hollins UniversityVA
Houghton CollegeNY
Illinois CollegeIL
Juniata CollegePA
Kalamazoo CollegeMI
Knox CollegeIL
Lake Forest CollegeIL
Lawrence UniversityWI
Lewis & Clark CollegeOR
Linfield CollegeOR
Lycoming CollegePA
Marlboro CollegeVT
Massachusetts College of Liberal ArtsMA
Middlebury College VT
Monmouth CollegeIL
Moravian CollegePA
Mount Holyoke CollegeMA
Muhlenberg CollegePA
Ohio Wesleyan UniversityOH
Pitzer CollegeCA
Presbyterian CollegeSC
Randolph-Macon CollegeVA
Ripon CollegeWI
Roanoke CollegeVA
Sarah Lawrence CollegeNY
Sewanee – University of the SouthTN
Simpson CollegeIA
Skidmore CollegeNY
Smith CollegeMA
Southwestern UniversityTX
St. Anselm CollegeNH
St. Lawrence UniversityNY
St. John’s CollegeMD
St. John’s CollegeNM
St. Mary’s CollegeIN
St. Michael’s CollegeVT
Stonehill CollegeMA
Susquehanna UniversityPA
Sweet Briar CollegeVA
Transylvania UniversityKY
Trinity CollegeCT
Union CollegeNY
University of Puget SoundWA
Ursinus CollegePA
Warren Wilson CollegeNC
Washington CollegeMD
Washington & Jefferson CollegePA
Wells CollegeNY
Wesleyan UniversityCT
Wheaton CollegeMA
Whitman CollegeWA
Whittier CollegeCA
Willamette UniversityOR
Wittenberg UniversityOH
Wofford CollegeSC


National Universities

School NameState
American UniversityDC
Arizona State UniversityAZ
Azusa Pacific UniversityCA
Ball State UniversityIN
Brandeis UniversityMA
California State University, FresnoCA
Chatham UniversityPA
Clark UniversityMA
Creighton UniversityNE
DePaul UniversityIL
Drake UniversityIA
Drexel University PA
Duquesne UniversityPA
George Mason UniversityVA
George Washington UniversityDC
Hampton UniversityVA
Hofstra UniversityNY
Immaculata UniversityPA
Indiana University BloomingtonIN
Kansas State UniversityKS
Lesley UniversityMA
Maryville University of St. LouisMO
Marquette UniversityWI
Mississippi State UniversityMS
Montclair State UniversityNJ
New SchoolNY
New York University NY
Pace UniversityNY
Quinnipiac UniversityCT
Rowan UniversityNJ
Sacred Heart UniversityCT
Seattle Pacific UniversityWA
Seattle UniversityWA
Simmons UniversityMA
St. John’s UniversityNY
Temple UniversityPA
Texas A&M University TX
Texas Tech University TX
The Catholic University of AmericaDC
The Sage CollegesNY
University of ArizonaAZ
University of California–BerkeleyCA
University of California–DavisCA
University of California–IrvineCA
University of California–Los AngelesCA
University of California–MercedCA
University of California–RiversideCA
University of California–San DiegoCA
University of California–Santa BarbaraCA
University of California–Santa CruzCA
University of ChicagoIL
University of DelawareDE
University of DenverCO
University of HartfordCT
University of Houston TX
University of La VerneCA
University of Massachusetts BostonMA
University of Massachusetts DartmouthMA
University of Massachusetts LowellMA
University of MississippiMS
University of Nevada, RenoNV
University of New EnglandMA
University of New HampshireNH
University of RochesterNY
University of San FranciscoCA
University of Saint JosephCT
University of Texas at Austin TX
University of Texas at Dallas TX
Virginia Commonwealth UniversityVA
Wake Forest UniversityNC
Washington State University WA
Western New England UniversityMA
Worcester Polytechnic InstituteMA


Regional Universities North

School NameState
Albertus Magnus CollegeCT
Assumption CollegeMA
Bay Path UniversityMA
Bridgewater State UniversityMA
Bryant UniversityRI
Cabrini UniversityPA
Champlain CollegeVT
College of Saint RoseNY
Daemen CollegeNY
Delaware Valley UniversityPA
DeSales UniversityPA
Eastern Connecticut State UniversityCT
Eastern UniversityPA
Elms CollegeMA
Emerson CollegeMA
Endicott CollegeMA
Fairfield UniversityCT
Fairleigh Dickinson UniversityNJ
Fitchburg State UniversityMA
Framingham State UniversityMA
Hood CollegeMD
Iona CollegeNY
Ithaca CollegeNY
Johnson & Wales UniversityRI
King’s CollegePA
Keuka CollegeNY
La Salle UniversityPA
Lasell CollegeMA
Lebanon Valley CollegePA
Le Moyne CollegeNY
Loyola University MarylandMD
Manhattanville CollegeNY
Marist CollegeNY
McDaniel CollegeMD
Mercyhurst UniversityPA
Merrimack CollegeMA
Millersville University of PennsylvaniaPA
Monroe CollegeNY
Mount St. Mary’s UniversityMD
Nazareth CollegeNY
Niagara UniversityNY
Notre Dame of Maryland UniversityMD
Norwich UniversityVT
Point Park UniversityPA
Providence CollegeRI
Plymouth State UniversityNH
Rider UniversityNJ
Roberts Wesleyan CollegeNY
Roger Williams UniversityRI
Saint Joseph’s UniversityPA
Saint Peter’s UniversityNJ
Salem State UniversityMA
Salisbury UniversityMD
Salve Regina UniversityRI
Seton Hill UniversityPA
Siena CollegeNY
Southern New Hampshire UniversityNH
Springfield CollegeMA
Stockton UniversityNJ
SUNY PotsdamNY
University of ScrantonPA
University of New HavenCT
Utica UniversityNY
Vermont Technical CollegeVT
Wagner CollegeNY
Wentworth Institute of TechnologyMA
William Paterson UniversityNJ
Worcester State UniversityMA


Regional Universities South

School NameState
Arkansas Tech UniversityAR
Asbury UniversityKY
Brenau UniversityGA
Christopher Newport UniversityVA
Columbia CollegeSC
Converse CollegeSC
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical UniversityFL
Jacksonville UniversityFL
James Madison UniversityVA
King UniversityTN
Lynn UniversityFL
Marymount UniversityVA
Mississippi University for WomenMS
Pfeiffer UniversityNC
Queens University of CharlotteNC
Radford UniversityVA
Rollins CollegeFL
Saint Leo UniversityFL
Stetson UniversityFL
St. Thomas UniversityFL
University of Holy CrossLA
University of Mary WashingtonVA
Virginia State UniversityVA


Regional Universities Midwest

School NameState
Augsburg UniversityMN
Augustana UniversitySD
Baldwin-Wallace CollegeOH
Columbia College ChicagoIL
Concordia UniversityMN
Dakota State UniversitySD
Drury UniversityMO
Emporia State UniversityKS
Hamline UniversityMN
Lake Erie CollegeOH
McKendree UniversityIL
MidAmerica Nazarene UniversityKS
Nebraska Wesleyan UniversityNE
Northern State UniversitySD
Northwest Missouri State UniversityMO
Ohio Dominican UniversityOH
Robert Morris UniversityIL
Rockhurst UniversityMO
Siena Heights UniversityMI
Southeast Missouri State UniversityMO
St. Mary-of-the-Woods CollegeIN
Tiffin UniversityOH
University of EvansvilleIN
University of Northwestern–St. PaulMN
Walsh UniversityOH
Wayne State CollegeNE
Western Illinois UniversityIL
William Jewell CollegeMO
Xavier UniversityOH


Regional Universities West

School NameState
Alaska Pacific UniversityAK
Cal Poly PomonaCA
California State University, BakersfieldCA
California State University, Channel IslandsCA
California State University, ChicoCA
California State University, Dominguez HillsCA
California State University, FullertonCA
California State University, Long BeachCA
California State University, Los AngelesCA
California State University, Monterey BayCA
California State University, NorthridgeCA
California State University, SacramentoCA
California State University, San BernardinoCA
California State University, San MarcosCA
California State University, StanislausCA
Dominican University of CaliforniaCA
Eastern Washington UniversityWA
Evergreen State CollegeWA
Hardin-Simmons UniversityTX
Hawaii Pacific UniversityHI
Humboldt State UniversityCA
La Sierra UniversityCA
Midwestern State UniversityTX
Northwest Nazarene UniversityID
Oklahoma Wesleyan UniversityOK
Pacific Lutheran UniversityWA
San Jose State UniversityCA
Sonoma State UniversityCA
St. Edward’s UniversityTX
St. Martin’s UniversityWA
Tarleton State UniversityTX
Texas A&M International UniversityTX
Texas A&M University – TexarkanaTX
University of Alaska AnchorageAK
University of North Texas at DallasTX
University of St. ThomasTX
University of Texas of the Permian BasinTX
Walla Walla UniversityWA
Weber State UniversityUT
Western Oregon UniversityOR
West Texas A&M UniversityTX
Whitworth UniversityWA
Woodbury UniversityCA


Regional Colleges North

School NameState
Bard College at Simon’s RockMA
Cazenovia CollegeNY
Colby-Sawyer CollegeNH
CUNY New York City College of TechNY
Dean CollegeMA
Elmira CollegeNY
Keene State CollegeNH
Keystone CollegePA
Landmark CollegeVT
Mount Aloysius CollegePA
Paul Smith’s CollegeNY
Pennsylvania College of TechnologyPA
St. Francis CollegeNY
Unity CollegeME
University of Maine at FarmingtonME
University of Maine at Fort KentME
University of Maine at Presque IsleME
University of Valley ForgePA
Vermont Technical CollegeVT


Regional Colleges South

School NameState
Atlanta Metropolitan State CollegeGA
Averett UniversityVA
Belmont Abbey CollegeNC
Brevard CollegeNC
Catawba CollegeNC
Flagler CollegeFL
Florida Memorial UniversityFL
Georgia Gwinnett CollegeGA
High Point UniversityNC
Lees-McRae CollegeNC
Pensacola State CollegeFL
Point UniversityGA
South Florida State CollegeFL
University of the OzarksAR
Voorhees CollegeSC
Warner UniversityFL
Welch CollegeTN


Regional Colleges Midwest

School NameState
Alma CollegeMI
Dickinson State UniversityND
Dunwoody College of TechnologyMN
Hiram CollegeOH
Northland CollegeWI
Ottawa UniversityKS
University of Minnesota CrookstonMN
William Jewell CollegeMO


Regional Colleges West

School NameState
Cal MaritimeCA
Carroll CollegeMT
Dixie State UniversityUT
East Texas Baptist UniversityTX
Oregon Institute of TechnologyOR
Southwestern Christian UniversityOK
University of Hawai’i – West O’ahuHI


You might have noticed that more liberal arts colleges are test optional compared with national research universities. In recent years, liberal arts colleges have begun to support the idea that test scores are only a single part of your application and therefore do not accurately represent the entirety of your academic potential and skills.

Nevertheless, the majority of prestigious colleges and universities still require ACT or SAT scores. Some examples include the Ivy League colleges, MIT, Stanford, and Duke.However, many of these schools are test-optional for students through the 2024 or 2026 admissions cycles, due to COVID-19.

As you research colleges, make sure to look up their ACT/SAT testing policies to see whether you’ll need to submit any scores.




Full List of 1,000+ Schools That Don’t Require ACT Scores

In total, there are more than 1,000 US-based schools that don’t require ACT scores. Click the icon below to download the complete list!



What to Do With These Test-Optional Lists: 4 Tips

Now that you’ve seen a complete list of colleges that don’t require ACT scores, what can you do with this knowledge? Here are four essential tips.


#1: Research Schools’ Policies

Every college is different in terms of its standardized testing policies, so it’s your responsibility to check the policy of each school you’re applying to.

Although these lists can help, you should always make an effort to check college websites directly. Or, if their websites are unclear about whether they require the ACT/SAT or not, call them and ask.

Remember that a college could change its testing policy for the new school year, so don’t rely on out-of-date information to tell you what you need and don’t need to submit with your application!


#2: Take the ACT/SAT to Keep Your Options Open

Even though you might prefer not to take the ACT, it’s still a good idea to take it anyway—this will allow you to keep your college options open so that in case you fall in love with a school that requires or encourages you to send ACT scores, you’ll be good to go. After all, what if you absolutely adored a certain college only to realize it required ACT/SAT scores and now you have barely any time to study for the test?

We generally recommend taking your first ACT at the beginning of your junior year; this way you’ll still have plenty of test dates left for the rest of your junior year, that coming summer, and the fall of your senior year.

For more test-taking tips, read our guide on how to build an ACT study plan and check out all the most important resources you’ll need in our ultimate free ACT study guide.


#3: Apply to Several Schools

In addition to taking the ACT, try not to limit yourself to colleges that don’t require ACT scores just so you can avoid having to take the test.

The college as a whole—from the quality of its academics and faculty to its location and student life—will be far more important factors to consider as you try to figure out whether that school will be a good fit for you for the next four years of your life.

If you limit yourself to only ACT-optional schools, you’re cutting out tons of high-quality private and public institutions that could very well be ideal matches for your educational goals.


#4: Put Together a Strong Application

Finally, make sure you’re putting together your strongest college application possible, especially if you’re applying to schools that don’t require ACT scores. This means that you should have a great college essay, glowing letters of recommendation, and a solid GPA.

If you took the ACT anyway and got a high score on it, submitting that score would be a great idea. Only submit scores from other tests, such as SAT Subject Tests, AP exams, and/or IB tests, if you managed to get particularly impressive scores on them. (If you didn’t and the tests aren’t required for admission, it’s totally fine not to submit your scores!)

Ultimately, the choice of submitting your ACT scores can work to your benefit, as long as you know what to include in your application to make you shine as brightly as possible.





What’s Next?

Thinking of taking the SAT instead of the ACT? Then check out this full list of colleges that don’t require the SAT. We’ve also got a list of 101 colleges and their average SAT scores.

What’s a good ACT score for your colleges? Our expert step-by-step guide explains how you can set a personalized ACT goal score based on the schools you’re applying to.

Is there a minimum ACT score you need to get into college? The truth is, it all depends on what colleges you’re considering. Learn how to figure out what ACT score to aim for and what to do if all your schools are reaches.


Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.

Raise Your ACT Score by 4 Points (Free Download)


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