The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
If you’re like me and are stuck at home over reading week, read on! Instead of spending your week wishing you were on a beach, you can do the following things to set yourself up for success for the second half of the semester.
1. Self Care
Whether it’s taking a bubble bath while binging Outer Banks season three or flossing your teeth, making time for self-care should be at the forefront of things to do during your week off.
2. Organize your physical and digital life
Even though this can be categorized as a form of self-care, I think it’s important enough that it deserves its own section. Can’t find any of your digital notes? Go through them and make folders for each class. Make sure that the titles of your notes are clear so you can easily find them when needed (i.e., course code, date, topic, etc.). If you’re more of a pen-and-paper type of gal, you can do the same thing. Label your notebooks or the sections of your binder and label your notes accordingly. Clean out your school bag and take out the things that you’ve never used that are simply weighing your bag down. Organizing goes beyond clutter; you could make a list of what needs to get done over the next six weeks, meal prep and/or pay your bills.
3. Do the things that keep getting pushed to the bottom of your to-do list
Now that you have a bit of extra time to get things done, those tasks that keep getting pushed down the list week after week can be dealt with. Some examples are sewing the hole in your shirt, dealing with the pile of clothes waiting to be ironed, repotting your plant and vacuuming your room.
4. Pick up extra shifts
If you’re looking to make some extra cash, now’s your chance. If you work somewhere that has a lot of student employees (restaurants, retail, etc.), you’re bound to work extra shifts as many students are away.
5. Apply for summer positions
Whether you’re looking for a part-time or full-time job, co-op, internship or volunteer position for the summer, you should start applying now. Employers usually post summer openings/positions around this time so get those applications and interviews out of the way while you have time. If you’re not ready to apply just yet, make sure your resume is up to date so you can submit it ASAP.
6. Catch up on sleep
This is a no-brainer. You’ve got the time to sleep in, so catch up on as much shut-eye as you can.
7. Catch up on coursework
If you’ve fallen behind on coursework (as many of us have), now’s the time to play catch-up.
8. Get ahead in your courses
If you’re feeling ambitious, getting ahead on course readings is always a good idea, as the post-reading-week rush leaves many scrambling for time.
9. Hang out with friends and family
If you live away from home and you can go home for a few days, do it. Trust me, your family pet will be excited to see you.
10. Do things you’ve been wanting to do but haven’t had the time for
Now’s the time to do those TikTok trends you’ve been wanting to try, get your nails and hair done, go thrifting or read a book.
Whether you’re planning on having a mega-productive week or simply taking the time to relax, try to spend your week wisely so that you’re recharged for the next six weeks.