My Guide To Recruitment


The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WSU chapter.

Recruitment season is coming upon us! If you’re anything like me, you’ve been stressing about fall recruitment since registration sign up opened in May. Recruitment week can feel really scary sometimes, especially the weeks leading up to it. Do not fear, your big sister is here to give you all the tips and tricks you are going to need to survive that long yet rewarding week.

Recruitment Bag

I am not kidding, if you take any advice I am about to give, this is the most important. A tote bag is going to be a lifesaver and overpacking it is key.

It is excruciatingly hot in August and recruitment consists of a lot of walking around outside. I highly recommend a little battery powered handheld fan. I didn’t bring one and regretted that tremendously when my foundation started melting off. Speaking of makeup, bring stuff for touch ups. Blotting papers, lip gloss, hairbrush, etc. Trying to keep a full beat and blow out looking nice in 90-degree weather is hard, but these little things will make it a bit easier.

For my acrylic and press-on nail girlies, pack some super glue. I know I sound crazy, but if a nail pops off or breaks you need fast action and sometimes that dollar store nail glue isn’t cutting it. I had to super glue a press-on to my nail twice during my recruitment week, so yes, you will need it.

Water and snacks are crucial. Fill up that oversized, sticker covered, insulated bottle with ice water and pack some granola bars and chips. With that being said, maybe bring some breath mints as well because it’s going to be yap central over here.

Class hasn’t started but trust me you’re taking notes. There are 14 chapters at Washington State University, and you are going to walk into every single one of them at least once. In between houses, take in-depth notes on your experience at each one because you are going to realize you forgot everything that happened a couple hours later.

What to wear

Planning my outfits was one of my favorite parts of recruitment. I wanted every outfit I wore to show who I am. Going into recruitment, you’re going to hear it 100 times, and now you’re going to hear it 101: be yourself.

As the week progresses you go from casual to more dressed up. That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to wear a dress. If heels aren’t your thing, wear dress shoes. If dresses aren’t your thing, wear slacks. You should never wear something you don’t feel yourself in.

Shopping for recruitment can feel intimidating, especially when trying to be cost effective. I am a massive thrifter and believe you can find absolutely anything if you look hard enough. I managed to find almost everything I wore during recruitment at local thrift stores. The best part about thrifting is finding unique pieces that no one else is wearing. You’re stopping fast fashion and slaying while doing it, that’s hot girl behavior.

As aforementioned, recruitment week requires a ton of walking, if you are reading this and are going to Washington State University, first off go Cougs, secondly the entire Greek Row is up and down hill, so bring flip flops to change into between going to houses. One of the days from my recruitment week I didn’t bring comfy shoes to change into and I still have scars from the blisters my heels gave me.

Emotional Tornado

You are going to experience a whirlwind of emotions throughout recruitment week. That’s okay and totally normal! You are living some real-life Harry Potter Sorting Hat stuff and it’s important to know everything happens for a reason.

Focus on your own experience. Running home on bid day is one of my favorite college memories and it will be yours too!

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