The 51 Art Scholarships You Need to Know About


People are always saying that art doesn’t pay. Fortunately, they aren’t always right! Prospective art students will be happy to know that there are a multitude of art scholarships out there that will help pay for their education.

We have all the details on the best art scholarships below, so read on to see which scholarships are the best fit for you!


Who Should Apply for These Art Scholarships?

The following art scholarships are aimed at students who are creative and have spent time in high school developing their artistic talent. Art careers are not the easiest to pursue, so you’ll have to demonstrate a passion for your chosen art form in order to show that you have real potential.

Art scholarships can cover many different disciplines, including performing arts, fine arts, design, and more. In this list, I have covered available scholarships for the following disciplines:

Scholarships that cover more than one area of art will be listed in each relevant category.

Though many art scholarships are specific to a particular college or university, the scholarships listed below can be used at many different schools. To earn the most money for college, you should apply to as many of these scholarships as possible and also inquire at your college about opportunities for scholarships for your particular program.

Be aware that this is not an exhaustive list of art scholarships. If you don’t see something that looks like it could be a fit for the kind of art you do, make sure you do more research about scholarships in your field. There are probably a few out there!

Also, keep in mind that most art scholarships are offered directly through universities. When you’re considering applying to a school, be sure to ask about any art scholarships they might have that you’d be eligible for.



Performing Arts Scholarships

First, let’s take a look at the best performing arts scholarships currently available.


Aiko Susanna Tashiro Hiratsuka Memorial Scholarship

This art scholarship is for active Student/Individual members of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL). Applicants must be entering college freshmen, undergraduate, graduate, or law students; in the creative and performing arts; or demonstrating financial need.

  • Deadline: March 2023 (for incoming college freshmen) and April 2023 (for all other students)
  • Award Amount: Varies depending on scholarship


Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program

South Carolina high school seniors may apply if they have attended a public high school in South Carolina for at least two years and plan to attend a college or university in South Carolina as well. There are five categories of scholarships:

  • Creative writing:Any original composition utilizing any form of creative writing (including journal or diary entries, letters, memoirs, essays, poetry, storytelling, speeches, and free writing). Entry should not exceed two, double-spaced pages in length.
  • Dance: A three- to six-minute original dance routine
  • Music: A four- to 10-minute original composition
  • Theatre: An original one-act play that is eight to 15 minutes long
  • Visual arts: An original 2-D visual piece of art

Applicants are judged on creativity, originality, and quality.

  • Deadline: Mid-February 2023
  • Award Amount: $2,000 (five available)


Bruce Marson Memorial Scholarship

This performing arts scholarship is geared toward Fairfax County (Virginia) high school students (educated via either public school, private school, or home-schooling) who are seeking a degree in Technical Theatre Production.

  • Deadline: May 2023
  • Award Amount: $2,000


Case Western Reserve University Theater Scholarships

Case Western offers four full-tuition scholarships, as well as two $10,000 scholarships, for students who wish to major/minor in theater or pursue theater as an extracurricular. All students must complete an audition or present a portfolio of their work.

  • Deadline: January 2023 for application packet; February 2023 for digital portfolio presentations and interviews and for in-person portfolio presentations and interviews
  • Award Amount: Full tuition or $10,000


Congressional Black Caucus Spouses Performing  Arts Scholarship

To qualify, you must be a full-time undergraduate student or graduating high school senior and have a minimum 2.5 out of 4.0 GPA, and be pursuing a major and a career in the performing or visual arts. These scholarships are intended for African-American students.

  • Deadline: Late April 2023
  • Award Amount: Up to $5,000


Educational Theatre Association Thespian Scholarships

Each year, the Educational Theatre Association awards several scholarships to students in the performing arts. These scholarships are open to students ranging from high school sophomores all the way to college juniors! Note that some scholarships require attendance at the International Thespian Festival. Currently, there are 12 different scholarship opportunities available, and four grants to attend the International Thespian Festival. 

  • Deadline: April 2023, depending on scholarship
  • Award Amount: Varies depending on scholarship


Florence Lemcke Memorial Scholarship in Fine Arts

This fine arts scholarship, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Washington, is for graduating high school seniors in Washington State who are also a child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of a veteran. Applicants must plan to pursue a degree in the fine arts, such as painting, drawing, photography, literature, architecture, sculpture, poetry, music, dance, or drama.

  • Deadline: March 1, 2023
  • Award Amount: $1,000


Georgia Thespian Scholarships

Scholarships are awarded to 12 high school seniors who participate in Georgia Thespians. All auditioning students must be registered for GA Thespian Conference 2023 and pay a $25 registration fee. Award amounts are as follows:

  • Gerald Ray Horne Scholarship: $2,500
  • Yatesy Harvey Theatre Educator Scholarship: $2,000
  • Frank Pruet & Eric Ebell Vision and Innovation Scholarship for Leadership: $2,000
  • Pam Ware Leadership Scholarship: $2,000
  • Linda P. Wise Performance Scholarship: $2,000
  • Gene & Imelda Bell Service Scholarship: $2,000
  • Dwight Gilstrap Technical Scholarship: $2,000
  • Achievement Scholarships (5): $2,000



Iowa Scholarship for the Arts

This award is for high school seniors who are Iowa residents and excel in the arts. Students must be accepted to an Iowa college or university and plan to major in the fine arts.

  • Deadline: April 2023
  • Award Amount: $2,500


Irene Ryan Acting Scholarships

This scholarship is open to high school seniors up through current graduate students. There are 16 regional awards and two national awards available. Note that the awards are not necessarily limited to education in the theatre arts.

  • Award Amount: Varies from $500 up to $5,000


John L. Dales Scholarship Fund

Applicants must be active members of the Screen Actor’s Guild or children of members. Required materials include SAT/ACT scores and transcripts.

  • Deadline: Late May 2023
  • Award Amount: Varies


Oklahoma Association of Broadcasters Scholarships

OAB offers several scholarships to students enrolled in Oklahoma colleges or universities who are majoring in broadcasting. Students must be either juniors or seniors in college, have a minimum B average, and plan to work in broadcasting. Selection is based on students’ extracurricular activities and awards, broadcast industry experience, financial need, and an essay.

  • Deadline: February 3, 2023
  • Award Amount: Six awards of $2,000 each


Vivian Klemz Memorial Scholarship

Applicants must be in high school (generally between the ages of 14 and 19). Students must write a 10-minute script (of any genre) that incorporates the theme of disability. Note that applicants must have a disability (or, if applying as an ensemble, at least one student must have a disability).

  • Deadline: January 2023
  • Award Amount: $1,000


VSA Playwright Discovery Award

Applicants must be in grades 6 through 12 (ages 11-18 for non-US students). Students must write a 10-minute script (of any genre) that incorporates the theme of disability. Note that applicants must have a disability (or, if applying as an ensemble, at least one student must have a disability).

  • Deadline: Mid-March 2023 
  • Award Amount: Ranges from $3,000 to $20,000


Dance Scholarships

In this section, we introduce the best dance scholarships currently available to students.


Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program

South Carolina high school seniors may apply if they have attended a public high school in South Carolina for at least two years and plan to attend a college or university in South Carolina as well. There are five categories of scholarships:

  • Creative writing: An original composition (journals/diaries, poetry, letters, memoirs, essays, storytelling, etc.) that is no longer than two double-spaced pages
  • Dance: A three- to six-minute original dance routine
  • Music: A four- to 10-minute original composition
  • Theatre: An original one-act play that is eight to 15 minutes long
  • Visual arts: An original 2-D visual piece of art

Applicants are judged on creativity, originality, and quality.

  • Deadline: Mid-February 2023
  • Award Amount: $2,000


Florence Lemcke Memorial Scholarship in Fine Arts

This fine arts scholarship, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Washington, is for graduating high school seniors in Washington State who are also a child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of a veteran. Applicants must plan to pursue a degree in the fine arts, such as painting, drawing, photography, literature, architecture, sculpture, poetry, music, dance, or drama.

  • Deadline: March 1, 2023
  • Award Amount: $1,000


Iowa Scholarship for the Arts

This award is for high school seniors who are Iowa residents and excel in the arts. Students must be accepted to an Iowa college or university and plan to major in the fine arts.

  • Deadline: April 2023
  • Award Amount: $2,500


Jean Lee/Jeff Marvin Collegiate Scholarships

Each year, Indiana SHAPE awards six scholarships to undergraduates who are attending an Indiana college or university and are majoring in health, physical education, recreation, dance, or exercise science. Applicants are evaluated on several factors, such as their GPAs, potential as professionals, financial need, and recommendation letters.

  • Deadline: January 2023
  • Award Amount: Six annual $1,000 awards


Mary Benevento/CTAHPERD Scholarship

This scholarship is for high school seniors from Connecticut who plan to major in dance or another physical/health education field at a Connecticut college or university. Students will be judged based on their academic ability, professional competence, and future career potential. Applicants must submit transcripts, a 300-word essay, and a letter of recommendation.

  • Deadline: June 15, 2023
  • Award Amount: Up to $1,000


NYCDA Foundation College Scholarship Program

For these dance scholarships, applicants must have recently completed their junior or senior year of high school and plan to pursue a performance-based major. In addition, they must attend an audition and submit a letter of recommendation from a dance instructor. Scholarships last for four years of college.

  • Deadline: July 5, 2023
  • Award Amount: Ranges from $5,000 to $25,000


Ruth Abernathy Presidential Scholarship

Applicants must be members of SHAPE America, be majoring in dance or another physical/health education field, and be college juniors or seniors with GPAs of 3.5 or above. Selection is based on academics, leadership, community service, and character.

  • Deadline: October 15, 2023
  • Award Amount: $1,250 for undergraduate students and $1,750 for graduate students



Photography Scholarships

Now, we’ll take a look at the best photography scholarships.


AIGA Worldstudio Scholarships

These scholarships are for students studying fine art, graphic design, illustration, or photography. Students must have at least a 2.0 GPA, display financial need, and submit a portfolio of their work. Minority status is a significant factor in award decisions.

  • Deadline: April 2023
  • Award Amount: Up to $5,000


Bodie McDowell Scholarship

This scholarship is available to students who are working (or plan to work in) in outdoor communications, which includes print, photography, film, art, and/or broadcasting. Eligible students must submit examples of work and letters of recommendation. Academic achievement is considered but isn’t a major deciding factor.

  • Deadline: March 30, 2023
  • Award Amount: Varies, but usually is between $1,000 and $5,000



Fine Arts and Writing Scholarships

Here are some of the best scholarships for those majoring in writing or the fine arts.


Against the Grain Artistic Scholarship

This scholarship is open to Asian American and/or Pacific Islander high school seniors and college students who are majoring in performing, visual arts, journalism and/or mass communications. Eligible students must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

  • Deadline: May 31, 2023
  • Award Amount: $1,000

AIGA Worldstudio Scholarships

These scholarships are for students studying fine art, graphic design, illustration, or photography. Students must have at least a 2.0 GPA, display financial need, and submit a portfolio of their work. Minority status is a significant factor in award decisions.

  • Deadline: April 2023
  • Award Amount: Up to $5,000


Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program

South Carolina high school seniors may apply if they have attended a public high school in South Carolina for at least two years and plan to attend a college or university in South Carolina as well. There are five categories of scholarships:

  • Creative writing: An original composition (journals/diaries, poetry, letters, memoirs, essays, storytelling, etc.) that is no longer than two double-spaced pages
  • Dance: A three- to six-minute original dance routine
  • Music: A four- to 10-minute original composition
  • Theatre: An original one-act play that is eight to 15 minutes long
  • Visual arts: An original 2-D visual piece of art

Applicants are judged on creativity, originality, and quality.

  • Deadline: Mid-February 2023
  • Award Amount: $2,000


Beall Scholarship

Applicants for this scholarship must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Female, 35 years old or younger
  • Member of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
  • Resident of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, or Virginia
  • Demonstrate financial need

Applicants must be pursuing graduate study in the fine arts.

  • Deadline: June 30, 2023
  • Award Amount: Up to $5,000


Cynthia and Alan Baran Fine Arts and Music Scholarship Fund

Applicants must be undergraduate or graduate students at an accredited college or university, be taking at least six credit hours, and be enrolled in a BFA, BA in Studio Art, MFA, or BA/MA in Music program. Students must be studying painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, photography, or printmaking. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required.

  • Deadline: February/March 2023
  • Award Amount: Varies


Esther Kanagawa Memorial Art Scholarship

Applicants must be Hawaii residents and undergraduate or graduate students majoring in the fine arts at an accredited college or university. They must have a GPA of 2.7 or higher and demonstrate financial need and good character.

  • Deadline: February 1, 2023
  • Award Amount: $2,000


Iowa Scholarship for the Arts

This award is for high school seniors who are Iowa residents and excel in the arts. Students must be accepted to an Iowa college or university and plan to major in the fine arts.

  • Deadline: April 2023
  • Award Amount: $2,500


Lois Livingston McMillen Fund

This scholarship is for women from Connecticut who are studying the fine arts. Preference is given to those studying the visual arts of painting or design.

  • Deadline: March 15, 2023
  • Award Amount: Varies



Minnesota Academic Excellence Scholarship

This scholarship is for Minnesota-based high school seniors who are planning to attend a college or university in Minnesota. Applicants need to show excellence in an academic subject, which can be fine arts or creative writing.

  • Deadline: Varies 
  • Award Amount: Varies


NPG’s Poster Scholarship Contest

Negative Population Growth gives a prompt every year and asks students to submit a poster that’s been designed by hand or digitally (there are separate awards for each category). The prompt for 2022 asked applicants to consider whether the growth of the US population is good or bad for the United States, providing five reasons to explain their answers.

  • Deadlines: July 15 and October 15 every year 
  • Award Amount: $1,000 to $5,000


Ritchie M. Gregory Fund

Applicants must be current Hawaii residents who are majoring in art and have a GPA of at least 2.0 at a two- or four-year university or college. Applicants are evaluated on academic achievement, character, and financial need.

  • Deadline: February 2023
  • Award Amount: Varies


Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Visual Arts Fellowships

Applicants must be residents of Virginia; they also must complete an online application and turn in a resume, a sample of their artwork, and an artistic statement (visual arts only).

  • Deadline: Early November 2022
  • Award Amount: Undergraduates (including high school seniors) win $4,000, and graduate students win $6,000; for students collaborating with others the award is 8,000 for undergraduates and graduates (split between participants); half-term awards are available for students in their last semester.


Vivian Klemz Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is for graduates of any Ventura County high school who is currently enrolled full-time in an undergraduate or graduate program in the arts. Preference is given to female applicants.

  • Deadline: January 2023
  • Award Amount: $1,500



Video Game Design Scholarships

Here are great scholarships for budding video game designers.


AIAS Foundation Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is for students of any major who intend to pursue a career in the development of interactive entertainment, such as animation, programming, and game design. Applicants must be at least sophomores in college and have a minimum 3.3 GPA.

  • Deadline: May 31, 2023
  • Award Amount: $2,500


WomenIn Scholarship Fund

This award is aimed toward women who want to enter the interactive entertainment industry. This scholarship is open to women pursuing or intending to pursue careers in game development or the business of interactive entertainment.

  • Deadline: May 31, 2023
  • Award Amount: $2,500



Music Scholarships

Here are some of the best music scholarships you can apply for.


AMCA Music Scholarships

The Associated Male Choruses of America sponsors scholarships for students who will be majoring in vocal music studies or instrumental music (though preference is given to the former). Applicants must be sponsored by a member chorus of the AMCA and are required to submit an application, a transcript, and three letters of recommendation.

  • Deadline: March 1 each year 
  • Award Amount: $1,000-$1,200


Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program

South Carolina high school seniors may apply if they have attended a public high school in South Carolina for at least two years and plan to attend a college or university in South Carolina as well. There are five categories of scholarships:

  • Creative writing: An original composition (journals/diaries, poetry, letters, memoirs, essays, storytelling, etc.) that is no longer than two double-spaced pages
  • Dance: A three- to six-minute original dance routine
  • Music: A four- to 10-minute original composition
  • Theatre: An original one-act play that is eight to 15 minutes long
  • Visual arts: An original 2-D visual piece of art

Applicants are judged on creativity, originality, and quality.

  • Deadline: Mid-February 2023
  • Award Amount: $2,000


Cynthia and Alan Baran Fine Arts and Music Scholarship Fund

Applicants must be undergraduate or graduate students at an accredited college or university, be taking at least six credit hours, and be enrolled in a BFA, BA in Studio Art, MFA, or BA/MA in Music program. Students must be studying painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, photography, or printmaking. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required.

  • Deadline: February/March 2023
  • Award Amount: Varies


Doris & Clarence Glick Classical Music Scholarship

This scholarship, sponsored by the Hawaii Community Foundation, is for students from Hawaii who are currently attending a non-profit college in the US. Students must be majoring in music with an emphasis on classical music, demonstrate financial need, and have a 2.7 GPA or above.

  • Deadline: February 2023
  • Award Amount: Varies but is approximately $1,500


Florence Lemcke Memorial Scholarship in Fine Arts

This fine arts scholarship, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Washington, is for graduating high school seniors in Washington State who are also a child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of a veteran. Applicants must plan to pursue a degree in the fine arts, such as painting, drawing, photography, literature, architecture, sculpture, poetry, music, dance, or drama.

  • Deadline: March 1, 2023
  • Award Amount: $1,000



Glenn Miller Scholarship Competition

Scholarships are awarded annually to both vocalists and instrumentalists and may be used for any education-related expenses. Only high school seniors and college freshmen are eligible. Applicants must submit an audition CV with two tracks of contest-level material in contrasting styles as well as an essay. Finalists will have to perform in person. 

  • Deadline: Early March 2023
  • Award Amount: $3,000 for first place, $2,000 for second place, and $1,000 for third place


Iowa Scholarship for the Arts

This award is for high school seniors who are Iowa residents and excel in the arts. Students must be accepted to an Iowa college or university and plan to major in the fine arts.

  • Deadline: April 2023
  • Award Amount: $2,500


The John Lennon Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded to student songwriters and composers who work in contemporary musical genres like alternative, pop, rock, indie, electronica, R&B, and experimental. In order to qualify, students must be between the ages of 17 and 24, a current college student or alumnus of a U.S. university, and have not worked previously with a major record label. Applicants must submit an original song win in order to apply.

  • Deadline: Spring 2023
  • Award Amount: $20,000


Nellie Love Butcher Music Scholarship

This scholarship is for students pursuing an education in piano or voice. Preference is given to students of the Duke Ellington School of Performing Arts in Washington, DC. Applicants must upload their audio material as an MP3.

  • Deadline: February 15 every year 
  • Award Amount: One-time award of $5,000


Women Band Directors International Scholarships

Women Band Directors International offers five different scholarships for women who plan on becoming a band director. A student in any college grade level may apply, though applicants must be majoring in music (any instrumental focus is okay). The application includes two letters of recommendation and a statement about why you want to be a band director.

  • Deadline: November 1
  • Award Amount: Varies


What do you mean “this doesn’t adhere to the seven principles of design?” How could it not?

Design Scholarships

Finally, here is a list of the best design scholarships.


AIGA Worldstudio Scholarships

These scholarships are for students studying fine art, graphic design, illustration, or photography. Students must have at least a 2.0 GPA, display financial need, and submit a portfolio of their work. Minority status is a significant factor in award decisions.

  • Deadline: April 2023
  • Award Amount: Up to $5,000


American Institute of Graphic Arts Honolulu Chapter Scholarship Fund

Applicants must be residents of Hawaii, be attending college in the U.S., and majoring graphic design, visual communication, or commercial arts. They must also show financial need and have a 2.7 GPA or above.

  • Deadline: January 31, 2023
  • Award Amount: Varies


AIAS Foundation Scholarship Fund

This scholarship is for students of any major who intend to pursue a career in the development of interactive entertainment, such as animation, programming, game design, and music composition. Applicants must be at least sophomores in college and have a minimum 3.3 GPA.

  • Deadline: May 2023
  • Award Amount: $2,500


ASID Foundation Legacy Scholarships

This scholarship is open to interior design students in their junior or senior year of college. To apply, students must submit a portfolio with 8-12 work examples, a personal statement, a letter of recommendation, a portfolio statement, a transcript, and a headshot. Scholarships are awarded based on the combination of applicants’ academic accomplishment, creative achievement, and personal statement.

  • Deadline: April 2023
  • Award Amount: $4,000


IFDA Leaders Commemorative Scholarship

For this International Furnishings and Design Association scholarship, applicants must be majoring in interior design or a related design/furnishing program. Extra consideration is given to students who have volunteered and demonstrated leadership potential. The application requires a letter of recommendation, an essay, and two different examples of your design work.

  • Deadline: March 2023
  • Award Amount: $1,500


IFDA Student Membership Scholarship

For this International Furnishings and Design Association scholarship, applicants must be majoring in interior design or a related design/furnishing program. Extra consideration is given to students who have volunteered and demonstrated leadership potential. The application requires a letter of recommendation from a current IFDA Professional Member, an essay, and two to three different examples of your design work.

  • Deadline: March 2023
  • Award Amount: $2,000


IIDA Student of the Year Award

This scholarship was created to recognize a student who is a member of the International Interior Design Association and who has significantly impacted his or her school’s interior design program through leadership, insight, and involvement. Applicants must be IIDA student members in good academic standing. 

  • Deadline: January 2023
  • Award Amount: $5,000


IIDA Wilsonart Essay Competition

This scholarship recognizes a student member of the International Interior Design Association who has taken part in a student-mentoring week and who plans to have a career in interior design. This competition encourages leadership and mentoring between students and professionals. Students must submit an essay of 500-750 words about their mentoring experience.

  • Deadline: TBD (submissions open Spring 2023)
  • Award Amount: $1,000


IDSA Design Foundation Industrial Design Undergraduate Scholarship

The Industrial Designers Society of America gives this annual scholarship to a student in industrial design. Applicants must have completed their freshman year of college with a GPA average of 3.0 or above and must also be student members of IDSA. Applicants must submit visual examples of work showing various projects. Students can only win this award once.

  • Deadline: Mid-May 2023
  • Award Amount: $5,000 for undergraduate course tuition fees



Joel Polsky Academic Achievement Award

This scholarship is sponsored by the American Society of Interior Designers and is for students who have made academic contributions to interior design and wellness through print or digital communication. Applicants are required to submit a book, blog, or video, and the project must address the needs of the public, designers, and students in regard to design theory, education, business practices, and other related topics.

  • Deadline: April 2023
  • Award Amount: Up to $5,000


Kansas City IFMA Scholarship

This scholarship is for students majoring in interior design, architecture, or a field related to facility management. They must be enrolled in a Kansas or Missouri college or university. Applicants must include a letter of professional intent, two letters of recommendation, evidence of extracurriculars, and proof of GPA. Selected students must complete an interview.

  • Deadline: April 2023
  • Award Amount: $500 or more


Ruth Clark Furniture Design Scholarship

For this International Furnishings and Design Association scholarship, applicants must be majoring in interior design or a related design/furnishing program. Extra consideration is given to students who have volunteered and demonstrated leadership potential. The application requires a letter of recommendation, an essay, and five different examples of original furniture designs.

  • Deadline: March 31 every year 
  • Award Amount: $4,000


TLMI Four Year College Degree Scholarship

This scholarship is for college juniors and seniors who are majoring in graphic arts, graphic design, or a different major, and who are interested in a career in the tag and label industry. Applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA, two recommendations, and submit an essay.

  • Deadline: May 1, 2023
  • Award Amount: Up to six awards of $5,000 are given annually




What’s Next?

If any of these scholarships look interesting to you, your first step will be to assemble a top-notch portfolio of your work. Check out our article on how to make an amazing art portfolio for college for tips on how to do just this!

Looking for some tips on how to draw contour line art? Learn more with our contour line art guide. We also have a post designed to give you some drawing inspiration!

Remember to start applying for scholarships early in order to maximize your college fund! Check out these 19 scholarships you can apply to during your senior year of high school.

Need more money than what these scholarships are offering? Then take a look at our lists of amazing full-ride scholarships and colleges that offer full-ride scholarships.


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