For some, anxiety is like the one person in your middle school friend group you just can’t escape from: No matter how hard you may try to separate yourself, anxiety might just be clinging to you wherever you go. There are so many layers to anxiety, so it’ll find you no matter what you’re doing too, just to cause some chaos.
Anxious attachment style can have a direct effect on maintaining healthy relationships as it causes people to be worried about how they’re perceived, and they may adjust their responses to things based on those fears. Additionally, there are four types of anxious attachment styles, including secure, anxious-preoccupied, dismissive-avoidant, and fearful-avoidant, according to Better Help.
If you’re at the beginning of your relationship with your SO, or even at the beginning of a self-love relationship, it may seem strange to hear that reminding yourself of how great you are could be a potential aid in overcoming an anxious attachment style. Sometimes all it takes is getting out of your bed rot and telling yourself that you’re capable of anything. If you’re a writer like me, all you need is your favorite notebook or sticky notes along with a pencil, and it’s time to start utilizing these 40 affirmations!
I’ve personally been told that if you start your day off by reminding yourself of this, it gives you something to look forward to.
We’ve all heard the phrase ‘If you can’t love yourself then you can’t love anyone,’ and it’s true.
You truly are the main character of your own life, no one else.
No matter what you’re feeling, your SO will understand you and validate you.
Others don’t need to make decisions for you because you can handle anything.
Mental health is important to check up on, bestie. It’s best to make sure you’re healthy to be the best version of yourself.
You’re an amazing person no matter what.
Only you can determine what that self-worth is based on.
Because everyone is worthy of this, and we always treat others the way we know we’d like to be treated.
It’s true! You’re great at all of your talents and you have an amazing personality.
Because even if your partner doesn’t respond to a message the minute after you send it, it doesn’t mean they’re going to break up with you.
Your talents are yours for a reason, it’s important to embrace them!
Boundaries are important in any relationship and they promote stability.
If you don’t like a certain activity or person, you don’t need to engage just to satisfy your partner.
Negativity will just lead you into a spiral, if they don’t serve you then throw them away.
Focusing on things you love does not mean you’re being a bad partner or abandoning the relationship.
Again, you’re in control of your own life; your decisions will be the right ones.
Although someone may not agree with your idea, it doesn’t mean you should only focus on their criticism.
Your feelings in any relationship are worthy of being expressed calmly and productively.
Like the saying we all learned in preschool, ‘If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.’
Even if you fail, it’s important to remind yourself that you tried your best and that’s all you can do.
Your best doesn’t always look like someone else’s best, and that’s perfectly fine and normal.
If your partner is the CEO of some giant tech company, it doesn’t mean that your job isn’t as important.
Because if we learn how to celebrate ourselves, we don’t need to look for everyone else to be our cheerleaders.
Oftentimes our anxiety can be rampant, but your worst anxiety does not represent who you are.
Like my mom always tells me, not everyone is going to like you and some people are rude. You don’t have to stoop to their level.
When you become your cheerleader, you’ll realize you know all of the coping mechanisms to help conquer daily anxieties.
If your partner had a long and exhausting day at work, it doesn’t mean you need to become their punching bag.
It would be nearly impossible to spend every minute of every day with your partner, welcome your alone time with a favorite activity.
Perfection is also impossible and we all have flaws, but you don’t need to obsess over erasing all of them.
Sometimes I get embarrassed over what I’m anxious about, but anxiety is normal! Think about it, you don’t judge others for their anxiety, and they won’t judge you.
Take the time to learn about your triggers and what your preferred coping mechanisms are. After that, you’ll be able to take on any trigger.
You don’t need to force people into your life, they’ll come in on their own.
Because no one deserves or needs to accept the love that comes with exceptions.
Remember, a small argument doesn’t mean the relationship is completely over.
If you feel triggered by something that happened in the past it can be hard to remind yourself that you’re living in the moment, but try to remember that you have many opportunities coming your way.
Oftentimes the only person who can understand your emotions or anxieties is you, and you can figure out how to address those issues better than anyone else.
Being happy about any of your accomplishments isn’t bragging or being obnoxious, it’s embracing what you worked hard for.
Because no matter what challenges come your way, you can take them on without completely depending on your partner.