This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.
This semester is quickly coming to a close, which means finals are right around the corner. During this hectic time of the year, here are five tips to keep you sane and help you make it to winter break.
- Plan Out Your Time Accordingly
During my freshman year, I was given a little table that helps you plan your studying, from when you want to start studying to the exam date.
Using planning tools such as calendars and charts ensures you don’t have to cram before the big day. Incorporating studying into your schedule allows you to break it up into small units you can easily digest.
- Find Good Study Spots
If you want to get specific tasks done, you have to go to specific places. For example, the library is my ideal spot when I need to study or take notes. When I need to write an essay, I cycle between my desk, bed, and a cafe.
Finding the right space for you is crucial to getting work done, so scope those study spots out.
- Take Self-Care Breaks
Whether it means watching a show, scrolling through reels, or taking a power nap, you need self-care breaks. Personally, after a big chunk of studying, I don’t want to keep going if I don’t give myself the time to relax.
If you feel the same, remember to give yourself time to recharge. Otherwise, you’ll burn out fast.
- Don’t CRam The Night Before
The night before an exam is for light review, eating well, and sleeping.
You should not be cramming because, in my experience, no information you cram the night before actually stays in your brain. Light review is the key. Go over your notes, solve application-based problems, and get to bed.
- Reward Yourself When It’s Over
The sweet-treat mentality is slowly destroying me, but everyone deserves a reward after doing something as hard as finals.
Whether it’s getting yourself a coffee, dessert, or some good food and a movie, let yourself have it. You’ve done finals. You deserve it.
I hope these tips help you survive finals. Good luck!
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