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College Prep Genius Named Best SAT Prep Course of 2021

The provider was ranked among the most reputable study solutions for college-bound students. 

Hurst, TX –, a trusted resource for online degree rankings and higher education planning, has  ranked College Prep Genius among the best SAT prep courses of 2021. The research highlights leading  programs across the nation based on flexible scheduling with multiple formats and personalized instruction. 

College Prep Genius and other top programs were required to provide customized course roadmaps  developed around each users’ strengths and weaknesses. The latest study from analyzed test  prep courses and classes that offer adaptable formats, such as in-person tutoring and live or on-demand online  instruction. Another core feature is one-on-one tutoring for students who need extra help in specific areas. developed this guide to increase awareness about college prepared planning and the most  trusted options across the web. To access the complete ranking of the best SAT courses and classes of 2021,  please visit   


The two main differences that separate CPG from most of the other test prep companies, including big brand  name ones are 1.) The logic-based approach using critical thinking skills that are common in all students.  Instead of reteaching school over again with more content such as math concepts and thousands of  vocabulary words. CPG teaches students to learn the recurring patterns that are found on standardized tests  like the SAT and ACT; this doesn’t require students to regurgitate content back on the test since only the test-makers know what is presented.

This allows them to learn to answer questions in 30 seconds or less. 2.) They  emphasize practicing real test questions by the test-makers themselves. This removes the flaw of making up  questions that are either irrelevant to the actual test as well deceptive practices of a diagnostic test that is  purposely hard but contains fake questions and then after the program administers a different test that is easy  but also made-up. Results probably won’t reflect a student’s actual improvement. There is an enormous  number of verifiable testimonials found online and on the CPG site.

ABOUT INTELLIGENT.COM provides unbiased research to help students make informed decisions about higher education  programs. The website offers curated guides which include the best degree programs as well as information  about financial aid, internships and even study strategies. With comprehensive, user-friendly guides and  hundreds of program rankings, is a trusted source among students and prospective students.  To learn more, please visit

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