Class of 2027 Regular Decision Notification Dates



Are you ready for regular decision notification dates? Admissions offices across the US are working hard to get through hundreds of thousands of regular decision college applications for the class of 2027 in order to notify students of their decisions this spring.

Class of 2027 Admissions

The college admissions landscape continues to be competitive at the country’s most popular universities, with many schools posting record-high application numbers for the class of 2027. Schools like the University of Virginia (55.845), University of Pennsylvania (59,00+), NYU (~120,000), and Bowdoin (10,934) all reported their largest applicant pools ever, with some schools like Boston University seeing record-high numbers of students applying Early Decision or Early Action. With large applicant pools, it is likely we will see admission rates at these schools remain low or even decrease. This also might lead to more waitlist decisions, as colleges continue to try to manage their yields.

When Do Colleges Release Admissions Decisions?

Most admissions decisions are released in late March. Students typically receive a notification from each individual school they applied to, either by email or in their application portal, when decisions are ready to be viewed.

Below, we have aggregated the most requested decision release dates. See a school we left out or an updated release date we haven’t included yet? Tell us in the comments below and we will add it to our list!

Many of these dates are general, so continue to check back regularly for more specific updates about when college admissions decisions will be released – especially for those labeled “TBD” or those with a general time frame (mid/late March, early April, etc.). It is also possible for colleges to post a release date only to move it up or postpone it to a later date, so these dates are subject to change. 

SchoolRegular Decision Notification Date
Amherst CollegeAround March 20
Babson CollegeBy Mid-March
Bard CollegeLate March
Barnard CollegeLate March
Bates CollegeBy April 1
Boston CollegeBy April 1
Boston UniversityLate March
Bowdoin CollegeMid-March
Brandeis UniversityApril 1
Brown UniversityMarch 30
Bryn Mawr CollegeLate March
Bucknell UniversityBy April 1
California Institute of TechnologyMid-March
Carleton CollegeBy April 1
Carnegie Mellon UniversityBy April 1
Case Western Reserve UniversityMarch 18
Claremont McKenna CollegeBy April 1
Colby CollegeOn or before April 1
Colgate UniversityLate March
College of CharlestonMarch 1
College of William & MaryBy April 1
Columbia UniversityEarly April
Connecticut CollegeLate March
Cornell UniversityEarly April
Dartmouth CollegeLate March
Davidson CollegeBy April 1
Drexel UniversityBy April 1
Duke UniversityLate March
Emerson CollegeEarly April
Emory UniversityBy April 1
Fordham UniversityBy April 1
Franklin & MarshallBy April 1
George Washington UniversityBy April 1
Georgetown UniversityNo later than April 1
Georgia Institute of TechnologyGeorgia students: March 3
Non-Georgia students: late March
Goucher CollegeBy April 1
Grinnell CollegeLate March/Early April
Hamilton CollegeLate March
Harvard UniversityBy the end of March
Harvey Mudd CollegeApril 1
Haverford CollegeEarly April
Holy CrossMid-March
James Madison UniversityMid-Late March
Johns Hopkins UniversityMarch 17
Kenyon CollegeMid-March
Lehigh UniversityLate March
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMid-March
Middlebury CollegeLate March
Mount Holyoke CollegeLate March
New York UniversityApril 1
Northeastern UniversityBy April 1
Northwestern UniversityMarch 24, 2023
Occidental CollegeApril 1
Oberlin CollegeApril 1
Pitzer CollegeBy April 1
Pomona CollegeBy April 1
Princeton UniversityBy March 31
Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteMid-March
Rhode Island School of DesignMid-March
Rice UniversityBy April 1
Rochester Institute of TechnologyMid-March
Santa Clara UniversityBy April 1
Sarah Lawrence CollegeBy late March
Skidmore CollegeMid-March
Southern Methodist UniversityBy March 15
Stanford UniversityBy early April
Swarthmore CollegeMid-March
Syracuse UniversityBy March 15
Trinity CollegeBy March 15
Tufts UniversityBy April 1
Tulane UniversityApril 1
University of California-BerkeleyMarch 30
University of California-DavisMid-March
University of California-Los AngelesBetween March 1 and March 31
University of California-San DiegoBetween March 1 and March 31
University of California – Santa BarbaraMid-March
University of ChicagoLate March
University of GeorgiaEarly March
University of Maryland-College ParkBy April 1
University of Massachusetts-AmherstLate March
University of MiamiBy April 1
University of MichiganBy early April
University of North Carolina-Chapel HillBy March 31
University of Notre DameBy Late March
University of PennsylvaniaLate March/early April
University of RichmondBy April 1
University of the South (Sewanee)Mid-March
University of Southern CaliforniaBy April 1
University of VirginiaBy April 1
Vanderbilt UniversityLate March
Vassar CollegeApril 1
Villanova UniversityBy April 1
Wake Forest UniversityAround April 1
Washington and Lee UniversityBy April 1
Washington University in St. LouisBy April 1
Wellesley CollegeLate March
Wesleyan UniversityLate March
Williams CollegeBy April 1
William & Mary UniversityBy Late March
Worcester Polytechnic UniversityBy April 1
Yale UniversityBy April 1


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