Feeling Blue about Final Year


So, final year of university is coming to a close…and it is a hard pill to swallow. With feelings of sadness that it is ending, exam stress, career stress, and money stress, things can get very overwhelming. I don’t know about anyone else, but I hate the idea of leaving uni. For me, it has become a little safety bubble, where I have responsibility but I am not experiencing the full life of being an adult. I think it is definitely hard to accept that this life you have built in a different place for the last three years will soon end. I often get very sad thinking about the fact I will probably never live with my best friends ever again. With all these worries and feelings of sadness, it can certainly impact your mental health. However, whilst an exciting chapter of your life is ending, it is important to remember that a new one is just beginning.

Something I have noticed recently is that a lot of people are feeling final-year burnout, especially me! This seemed odd to me as I thought in my final year, final term, I would be working harder than ever. However, I think it is very easy to let the motivation slip. With the stress of leaving uni and trying to work out what you are doing with your life, it can distract you from not only doing well at uni but from enjoying your last term.

I have compiled a few tips on how to stay motivated and enjoy your last term! 


Now, this seems like a bit of an odd tip to begin with. However, since getting up early, I have been noticing the benefits. On one hand, I do it because I am trying to have more productive days so I can get the best outcome for my degree. On the other hand, I do it because I am so desperate to make the most of every second at uni! So, I get up around 7/8, make myself a coffee and get on with my day – it makes such a difference.


I am the biggest advocate for eating well. Don’t worry, I don’t mean in terms of eating super healthy etc! But eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner (alongside a snack here and there) is essential for staying motivated and happy. I find that if I have eaten well, I am much more likely to be more productive.


Sometimes I forget that I won’t have the privilege of waking up and having a beautiful campus to go to. The University of Nottingham has a SUPER beautiful campus, so it is important to make the most of it. And, whilst I am excited to not have to write essays again, I do love walking to the library and being productive. It really is a great way to romanticise your life…


As mentioned previously, the University of Nottingham (and Nottingham in general) has some beautiful places to go on walks. I love walking around Highfields Park (especially in the summer when you can also go on the canoes), Wollaton Park and Jubilee Campus. It is a great way to clear your head, chat with friends, and appreciate where you are in the moment.


This is such an important one. When you surround yourself with positive people, you naturally become more positive yourself. This, in turn, will make you feel more motivated! Remember, hanging out with your friends and having fun is equally as important as studying. It’s all about balance. So, go out, go for dinners, have movie nights, play mini golf – get out of the house and spend it with the people that make you happy!


With uni coming to an end, it is a nice idea to reminisce with your friends and allow yourself to feel the nostalgia. Maybe meet up with friends from first year and revisit the places you used to hang out. A core memory for me is walking from my halls of residence to The Downs and having a few ciders with my friends. I definitely want to recreate that when it gets warmer!


Lastly, live in the moment and be grateful for the experience. Don’t take for granted going out to Ocean on a Friday night or eating dinner with your housemates! Take it all in and appreciate every second.

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