A Post-Night-Out Debrief is Non-Negotiable: Here’s Why


Making memories with friends in college is one of the best forms of serotonin. There is nothing better than the experience of getting ready with your friends. Blasting music and laughing like there’s no tomorrow – there’s no better feeling! Some of my favorite memories were made with my friends during a night out. Every morning after a night out, my friends and I sit down and talk about everything that happened during the previous night. The amount of laughter that fills the room cannot be measured. A morning debrief of a fun night out is something that every group of friends should do.

College is a period in your life in which anything can happen. There can be good memories such as finding love, going out to the bars with friends, or even something as simple as having a nice night in and making a delicious meal. But there can also be moments that leave us not wanting to get out of our beds: break-ups, not doing well on an exam, or even falling out with a close friend. Whether they be positive or negative, memories are the foundation of what keeps people going. It either makes you reflect back on the amazing moments in life, or they motivate you to do better and push through. This is one of the main reasons why a post-night-out debrief is truly non-negotiable.

My closest friends and I wake up in the morning, take a trip to a local coffee shop to get our daily dose of caffeine, and then find a place to sit down and talk. If it is a nice day out we will either take couch cushions and sit on the porch or if it’s not so nice out, we will cuddle up on the couch and do our debriefing. Most of the time during a night out we stay together, but if we see other people we know when we’re out and about sometimes we will go and talk to them for a while. These are the moments that we catch each other up on. A large percentage of the things we discuss are usually funny experiences that we had or something funny that was said to us. There is undoubtedly a conversation regarding a guy that approached one of us and a discussion of if we thought about them. And, of course, some type of gossip unfolds that needs to be addressed. Welcome to college life! 

There is something so relaxing and empowering about sitting with a group of people you love and sharing the good and bad experiences of life. It’s a safe space to talk about anything that you want to share without feeling like you will be judged for your actions. Having the freedom to reflect back on your actions, and deciding whether you want to do it again, or should do it again, is a large part of growing up. There are some memories that you will talk about that will stick with you for the rest of your life. Personally, I believe that memories with friends are some of the most beautiful things to hold onto as you grow older. 

Sitting down with your friends and simply talking to them about the experiences you have gone through together is one of the best ways to bond and maintain your friendships. A post-night-out debrief is something that I look forward to every weekend and feel incomplete without it. I have become so much closer to my friends after all the morning debriefs. If you are in need of a good laugh, I highly recommend a post-night-out debrief — you never know what stories you’ll hear!

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