Bringing Spring Indoors: Dwarf Fruit Trees


This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Mt Holyoke chapter.

Spring has officially arrived! Finally, we can look forward to warmer weather, fresh vegetation, and blooming flowers. Amidst the thriving plants, there will be plenty of ripening fruit trees that promise sweet, juicy, fruit. If you’re excited to bite into some seasonal fruit of the spring season, perhaps you might have also thought about growing some of these fruits for yourself. 

Unfortunately, not everyone has the backyard space to plant a fruit free; and, if you live in an apartment or dorm, you might not even have access to any outdoor land. If that is the case, worry not! You can still recreate the cottagecore fruit garden of your dreams, just on a smaller scale. Dwarf fruit trees are your answer. All you need is an area with lots of light and good air circulation, as well as care and dedication of course! Here are some seasonal spring fruit trees that you can grow indoors. 

Meyer Lemon Trees

Meyer lemons are in season from around November to March. While lemons aren’t typically the type of fruit one would imagine biting into, they are still a great choice of fruit to grow in your home. Lemons are versatile; you can toss them in your salad, bake them into deserts, and use them to make some delicious drinks. This plant is not only useful, but also makes a great aesthetic addition to any area. Its fragrant flowers, luscious leaves, and cheerful colors are sure to brighten up any room.

The Meyer lemon Tree thrives in warmer temperatures, but don’t fret if you don’t live somewhere that’s warm year round. Be sure to place your tree somewhere with lots of sunlight, at least eight hours of light daily. As for soil, the Meyer lemon prefers soil with a sandy texture at a pH between 5.5 to 6.5. Furthermore, it is crucial for the pot of your plant to have good drainage. To determine if your plant needs water or not, dip your finger into the soil up to the second knuckle; only water the plant if the soil feels dry. Since the ideal humidity rate for this plant is 50% and above, misting the plant or placing a humidifier next to it might be helpful. 

Kumquat Trees

Kumquat fruits are another tasty citrus fruit to consider growing. They are in season during a similar time period as lemons, ripening between December and March. These fruits are tasty—with a sweet and sour flavor—and convenient to eat. They might look like a mini, oblong orange but unlike the orange, you don’t have to peel the skin off of a kumquat before eating it. You can simply pop the kumquat in your mouth for a quick snack, or add it to your favorite dishes and baked goods if that’s what you prefer. 

As the kumquat is a citrus fruit, its tree needs lots of sunlight, at least six hours a day. Be sure to keep the kumquat tree next to the window, and, if your tree isn’t getting enough sunlight, you can add some artificial, full-spectrum light to help. The kumquat tree needs to be kept moisturized; water the plant when the top inch or two of the soil is dry and mist it regularly. Additionally, the kumquat tree should be planted in soil with a loamy texture at the same acidity levels as the Meyer lemon tree. Ensure that your plant is also living in a pot with good drainage. 

Apricot Tree

Spring is also the season for apricots. In contrast to the previous citruses, the apricot ripens later in the spring season, from around May to July in northern California and June to August in southern California. Juicy and sweet, biting into an apricot is a delightful experience. In addition to enjoying them fresh, apricots also taste good dried and are featured in a variety of desserts, jams, and other sweet treats. Even if apricots aren’t  your favorite fruit, you’ll be sure to enjoy the sight of a flowering apricot tree. The flowers come in a variety of colors, from white to pink to bright yellow, all a brilliant sight. 

Just like the previous fruit trees, apricot trees enjoy plenty of sunlight, so be sure to place your plant near a window. Likewise, the soil for the apricot tree should be the same as the other two plants featured above: loamy, with good drainage. This tree will need lots of water, but depending on the climate you live in and the season, you might need to water your plant more or less. In colder climates or winter months, watering the apricot tree once a week will suffice. However, in warmer climates and months, you’ll have to water the tree more, perhaps up to three times a week. 

Avocado Tree

In these recent years, avocados have become increasingly popular, and understandably so. Avocados are a great source of fat, contain a variety of vitamins, and are associated with numerous health benefits related to lowering the risk of disease. Plus, they are incredibly versatile. With an avocado tree, you can make some of your favorite internet-viral meals—avocado toast, avocado bread, avocado pudding—or just enjoy them casually, adding them to your sandwiches, salads, or whatever else you like. With the price that avocados are sold at, having an avocado tree at home might be saving you some money too. 

Avocado trees are a subtropical plant, so, just like the other plants listed above, keep your tree in a sunny area. The trees should be planted in well draining soil, such as potting soil, which allows the circulation of air and water. It is important that the soil is around 5 to 7 pH, which is slightly more acidic than the other plants listed above. The soil should be kept consistently moist, but do not overwater it, as that will cause the leaves to curl. The avocado tree should be watered infrequently, but deeply. When the soil is completely dry, water the plant fully. As these trees are more sensitive to cold, make sure they are living in a warmer environment as well. 

Growing fruit trees indoors may sound daunting, but the payoff is worth the hard work. If you start your plant journey this spring, perhaps you’ll be able to enjoy a beautiful harvest next year! However, plants require lots of care and commitment, so be sure to do some in depth research before deciding to raise one. Happy planting!

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