Campus Cutie: Sam



Name: Sam Klores 

Birthday: Apr. 3rd, 2001. But he’s a sophomore!

From: NYC

Favorite movie: Billy Madison

Favorite tv show: Entourage 

Favorite sport: Basketball

Favorite song of this semester: “Jumbotron Sh*t Poppin”

Favorite spot on Brown’s campus: Wherever the organ concert is

Favorite restaurant in Providence: Amy’s

Favorite restaurant hometown: 4 Charles

One thing you can’t live without: my mom

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: wherever my feet take me

Secret talent: flexible hamstrings

Do you have a crush: yes

Who’s your idol: my dad

Celebrity crush: Margot Robbie

If you could trades for a day with one celebrity, who would it be: Drake

What do you look for in a friend: Someone who runs good humor 

What do you look for in a romantic partner: Someone who runs good humor and understands me

What’s your ideal date: Going out to a nice dinner and enjoying a good conversation

What’s your spirit animal: A congressman 

What’s your biggest accomplishment: Not knowing how to ride a bike at 21

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