Fall in Vermont


This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

By: Lila Simmons

As the leaves start to change color and the air becomes crisp, we can officially say fall is here. Fall has always held a special place in my heart, as it signifies the many joys of Thanksgiving and other changes. What better place to be than Burlington during the fall season? The beginnings of pumpkin spice season make it hard to deny that Vermont fall is simply the best. If you’re new to the area or are simply looking for something to try, below are a few of my favorite fall activities. 

Burlington Farmers Market

If you love shopping- more importantly shopping small- the farmer’s market is the place to go. The Burlington Farmers market located at 345 Pine Street, is one of many attractions to the area.  From 9:00am-2:00pm every Saturday, countless vendors set up to provide the best farmers market experience.Vendors range from sweet treats, to clothing and jewelry, art, and many more. The fall series ends on Saturday, October 28th, so be sure to check it out before the winter rotation begins!  In addition to this, the Burlington Vintage market has to be one of the most popular events in the area. The vintage market is currently hosting a pop-up series with various vendors with the BEST second hand collections. If you love to thrift (as most UVM-ers do) check out the pop-up next to the farmers market on October 7th and 21st. 

Apple Picking

It truly doesn’t feel like fall without a trip to a nearby apple orchard-apple picking holds a nostalgic feeling for me that I love to revisit every year. Luckily, we are close to many great options for apple picking, but my personal favorite is Shelburne Orchards. This location is about 20 minutes from UVM’s campus, and is a great spot to visit with family or friends. Along with apple picking, there are various other activities including a weekend concert series and even a taco truck. 

Day trip to Stowe

Growing up, before college was even on my mind, my family and I would take a long weekend trip to Stowe, Vermont. Stowe is the epitome of fall in Vermont. About a 45 minute ride from Burlington, Stowe makes for the perfect day trip, or mini getaway. Stowe has countless options to choose from for activities-from perusing the shops throughout historic downtown, visiting Smugglers Notch resort, or going on a hike. One of my personal favorite hikes is the Stowe Pinnacle. The hike is rather tricky, but so rewarding when you get to the top and get the chance to admire the beautiful green mountains.  

Hopefully something on this small list has made you as excited for sweater weather as I am. Though these are rather basic, stereotypical fall things, it’s important to spend time away from technology and just get out and do something. For me, getting up and doing something small everyday helps my mental health. Remember to take time for yourself as the semester picks up, and cherish the small joys life has to offer, especially this fall season. 

By Lila Simmons

Edited by Sierra Byrne

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