SAT Test Dates for 2025 –


The SAT is offered several times a year– but what is the best time to take the SAT? Does it really matter? The date isn’t the most important part of your SAT strategy, but it is important to think about! There are several things to consider when choosing your date to take the test. 

But let’s not get too ahead of ourselves– first, let’s look at the SAT test dates for 2025.

2025 SAT Test Dates

Here are the SAT test dates for 2025:

  • March 8
  • May 3
  • June 7
  • August 23
  • October 4
  • November 8
  • December 6

Each of these dates is a Saturday. If you have a religious conflict that prevents Saturday testing, Sunday testing is an option with a letter from a religious official. These Sunday tests directly follow the Saturday tests. 

2025 SAT Registration Dates

The SAT registration deadlines generally close about four weeks before the test date, with a late registration option available until roughly one to two weeks prior to the test. Registering early is recommended to secure your preferred test center and avoid late fees. The regular registration deadline is typically around 3-4 weeks before the test date, and then the late deadline closes 3 or 4 days after the regular deadline. 

The College Board has not announced registration deadlines for the August-December 2025 tests; the dates for the March-June tests are as follows:

Testing DateNormal Registration DeadlineLate Registration Deadline
March 8, 2025February 21, 2025February 25, 2025
May 3, 2025April 18, 2025April 22, 2025
June 7, 2025May 22, 2025May 27, 2025

Another important deadline for students is the device loan deadline. If you are borrowing a computer from the College Board to take the test, you must request this at least 30 days before the exam. More advance time is better, since the number of computers they are able to lend is limited.

Choosing The Right Test Date

For many students, it’s best to pick a test date that gives you enough time to prepare, but not so much time that you forget your prep skills. The timing of the test can influence your level of preparation, comfort, and potential for score improvement. You should consider these factors when choosing your SAT date.

 College Application Deadlines

The most important factor for many students is aligning their SAT test date with college application deadlines. Students applying through early decision or early action generally have application deadlines in October or November. An SAT taken in August or earlier may be ideal, especially if you want the option to take it multiple times.

However, if you’re applying as a regular decision applicant, your materials are typically due by early January. This gives you a lot of flexibility, and you’ll have the December SAT as a potential final option.

Also, if you’re applying for scholarships, many scholarship programs have their own deadlines, separate from college applications. You should check each scholarship’s SAT requirements and schedule accordingly.

Personal Readiness and Prep Time

Preparation is a major determinant of success on the SAT, so consider how much time you’ll need to study. If you’re juggling school assignments, extracurriculars, and other responsibilities, it might be helpful to choose a later date in the school year. Or you may want to study during the summer and take the August or October test. And be aware of your schoolwork– you don’t want to take the test too close to major academic exams or project deadlines. 

Retake Opportunities

It’s common for students to take the SAT more than once, and scheduling an early test date provides a backup plan if you want to improve your score. For example, if you take the test in March or May, you’ll have time for a second attempt in June, after the school year ends. Or, if you’re a senior, an August or October test date gives you another chance to test in November or December if needed. The College Board itself recommends that students plan on taking the test at least twice, once in the spring of their junior year and once in the fall of their senior year. 

Scheduling Around Commitments

For students managing a demanding academic schedule, it’s helpful to avoid testing dates that clash with AP exams, school finals, or other significant academic events. Fall test dates may be easier to manage for those facing intense spring schedules, while spring dates might benefit students whose fall semesters are packed with sports or other activities.

SAT Synergy: Choosing a Prep Course by Date

SAT prep and planning takes time, and to give yourself the best shot at a high score, you need to plan around the test date. The amount of time for optimal study varies from person to person, and some students will take as long as 3 or even 4 months to study before they take the test. 

But that amount of time isn’t always the most effective, especially if it’s entirely self-directed. Instead, you should consider taking an SAT prep course that will effectively and efficiently prepare you for the SAT. Here at Prep Expert, we have a variety of options, including a self-directed video course, a weekend review, and 6, 7, and 8 week courses. 

Here’s when you would need to start each of the timed courses to be ready for each test date. We’ve built in a one week buffer for these start dates, so you’ll finish the coursework the Saturday before the exam if you choose these start times. 

2025 SAT Test Date6 Week Flagship Course Start Date7 Week Founder Course Start Date8 Week Capstone Course Start Date
March 8January 18January 11January 4
May 3March 15March 8March 1
June 7April 19April 12April 5
August 23July 5June 28June 21
October 4August 16August 9August 2
November 8September 20September 13September 6
December 6October 18October 11October 4

These dates give you enough time to finish the coursework completely,

Additionally, if you’ve already taken a prep course and want to know when to take a weekend course, remember that our weekend reviews are on Saturdays and Sundays, so you will want to schedule those for the week before the test– like so.

2025 SAT Test DateWeekend Review Date
March 8March 1-2
May 3April 26-27
June 7May 31-June 1
August 23August 16-17
October 4September 27-28
November 8November 1-2
December 6November 29-30

Which Testing Date Is Right For Me?

As you can see, selecting the best SAT test date requires a bit of planning. Consider your college application goals, study time, and the possibility of retakes to choose a date that supports your ambitions. With careful scheduling and preparation, you’ll be well-positioned to achieve your best score and move confidently forward in your college journey, gaining admission to your dream schools and earning guaranteed scholarship money. It’s worth it to score high on the SAT, so you should do everything you can to boost that score– and that includes prep courses! To find out more about how you can improve your SAT scores with Prep Expert, check out our SAT course offerings

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