Tangled Songs Ranked


The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

As an avid Tangled lover, I felt as though it was necessary for me to make this list. Tangled has been, and probably will always be, one of my favorite Disney movies. If you’re a tangled fan, I highly suggest trying to rank the songs in order of your favorites; I guarantee its difficult.

**Note: It is literally impossible to rank these songs because they’re all so amazing in their own ways and they make me all so happy**

  1. When Will My Life Begin (Reprise 2)

  1. I See The Light

  1. Mother Knows Best (Reprise)

  1. I’ve Got A Dream

  1. Kingdom Dance

  1. Mother Knows Best

  1. When Will My Life Begin 

  1. When Will My Life Begin (Reprise 1)

  1. Healing Incantation

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