Want a cure for TikTok Boredom? @octopusslover8 and the return of ‘Vine’ humour


Finally, something good on TikTok…

When I first downloaded TikTok in February 2020, I watched people dance to ‘Supalonely’ by BENEE and Gus Dapperton, make foamy coffees, and mime along to No neck Ed and Rose’s dates. But now, it almost seems like all that excitement has disappeared into thin air a little bit. At the minute, I have a mixture of things coming up on my main feed like recipes, skincare tips, and everything in between. However, someone has blessed my feed and actually made me laugh out loud, and that person is (drumroll please) …Jake Shane, ie. @octopusslover8. If you don’t know, get to know!

This man has been constantly on my FYP, and I am not mad about it one bit! So, how does someone rack up an impressive 54.2 million overall likes and 1.5 million followers (so far)? Well, he is just being funny and not taking himself seriously. The premise of Jake’s videos is he takes historical moments and well-known names and turns them into little skits with scenarios like, “act out a fly trying to leave a window but can’t”, “Noah’s Ark”, and “Cinderella running late and realizing her Uber turned into a pumpkin”. I first saw him a couple of weeks ago on my feed, and now he pops up every so often and gives me a giggle.

Back in the day, you wouldn’t have to scroll too far to have a laugh, but now it seems almost impossible. I feel all is not lost on the comedy front thanks to Jack. His videos really exude major Vine energy that has been well and truly missed by me and many others.

A lot of his content comes from the audience’s requests in the comments. Some he hasn’t done so far are “Zayn leaving One Direction”, “Pinocchio’s reaction the first time his nose grew after he lied”, and “Rose convincing Jack there wasn’t room for both of them when there definitely was”. I really like this type of viewer and creator interaction because it feels like he is actually one of our friends this way and not some out-of-reach influencer distanced from reality. Hold on, how could I forget? I have to give credit to his friends who are laughing so much in the back. It gives live audience vibes and makes me laugh even more once I hear the wheezing start. Keep up the good work @octopusslover8 and I can’t wait to laugh some more – God knows I need it right now being in my third year and all

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