what loving you means to me


The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Virginia Tech chapter.

Dear Love,

We have officially been together for two years. September 22nd will forever be our day, no matter what life has in store for us. I will always remember this as our day. Loving you has been the easiest decision of my life. 

When I think about love, I think about you. I think about how you make me feel and how coming home to you at the end of a long day feels like the weight of the world is lifted even if it’s just a little. Loving you means laughing at the smallest things and nonstop giggle fits because we find that one TikTok so funny. I love when we are just having silly moments together whether it’s because one of us said something funny or because we saw something funny. Those are some of my favorite moments.

Loving you means comfort. When I think about love, I think about how it feels when you hug me. You have helped me get through so much. Your hugs bring me so much comfort and I would be so lost without them. I love how much comfort is in our relationship and how we can go to each other whenever we’re having a bad day or just need a little extra comfort.

When I think about love I think about how you light up every room you enter. Our love is like a relationship between a sunflower and the sun. You’re the sun and I’m the sunflower turning to soak it all up. I love being around you because you make me so happy. You’re my yellow, my sunshine, my happiness.

I love how we can spend time together but we also know that we can do things on our own too. Loving you means that we can be together and be our own people. Loving you means we have healthy boundaries. I’m so glad we understand when we need to be apart and when we should be together. I love spending so much time with you and going on all the adventures we go on. 

Loving you means having different hobbies but still finding a way to enjoy doing them together. I enjoy how I can read while you watch sports or while you do homework. Even though I enjoy our separate hobbies, I love the ones we share together so much more. I love how we both love music and playing games. I couldn’t imagine listening to Taylor Swift or playing Mario Kart with someone else. 

I am so grateful for all the memories we have created so far, but I am so much more excited for all of the memories we will make in the future. Loving you means more than just a word, loving you means being happy and finally finding home. 

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