Taking AP exams is a great way to earn college credit and show college admissions officers that you have what it takes to succeed at their institution.
If you want to take an AP test next spring, we’ve got you covered. Here are the 2023 AP test dates and a few study tips that will help you earn good AP scores:
When do AP exams take place?
Aside from the online AP Japanese and AP Chinese exams, AP exams will be administered in-person on paper over the span of two weeks in May: May 1-5 and May 8-12.
Week 1
Week 1 | Morning 8 a.m.Local Time | Afternoon 12 p.m.Local Time |
Monday,May 1, 2023 | United States Government and Politics | Chemistry Spanish Literature and Culture |
Tuesday,May 2, 2023 | Chinese Language and Culture Environmental Science | Psychology |
Wednesday,May 3, 2023 | English Literature and Composition | Comparative Government and Politics Computer Science A |
Thursday,May 4, 2023 | Human Geography Macroeconomics | Seminar Statistics |
Friday,May 5, 2023 | European History United States History | Art History Microeconomics |
Week 2
Week 2 | Morning 8 a.m.Local Time | Afternoon 12 p.m.Local Time | Afternoon 2 p.m.Local Time |
Monday,May 8, 2023 | Calculus AB Calculus BC | Computer Science Principles Italian Language and Culture | |
Tuesday,May 9, 2023 | English Language and Composition Japanese Language and Culture | Physics C: Mechanics | Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism |
Wednesday,May 10, 2023 | Spanish Language and Culture | Biology | |
Thursday,May 11, 2023 | French Language and Culture World History: Modern | Physics 1: Algebra-Based | |
Friday,May 12, 2023 | German Language and Culture Music Theory | Latin Physics 2: Algebra-Based |
What do I do if I have multiple exams scheduled at the same time?
Suppose you are interested in taking both the AP German Language and Culture and the Music AP Theory exams or the AP Art History and the AP Microeconomics exams.
Since these exams take place on the same day at the same time, you won’t be able to take them during their scheduled times.
If you have multiple exams that you want to take that are scheduled for the same time, you should reach out to an AP coordinator to set up late administration exam dates.
What should I bring to my AP exams?
How should I prepare for my AP exams?
If you want to earn fives on your AP exams so that you can receive college credit, here are some tips to keep in mind:
Memorize your test dates
You will be able to study more strategically if you know the order in which you will take your tests.
Using the tables above, map out your AP exam schedule so that you know which tests you will have to take the earliest. This will help you learn how to prioritize your studying.
Pay attention in class
There’s a reason why the majority of students who take AP exams have taken the correlated AP class first. One of the best ways to prepare for any AP exam is to pay attention during the class for that exam.
If you do well on the homework, quizzes, and tests for these classes, chances are high that you will earn a good score on the associated AP exams.
Prepare early
Don’t wait until the end of April to start preparing for your AP exams. Cramming is far more stressful and not nearly as effective as spaced repetition study methods.
Start preparing for your AP exams as soon as possible so that you have plenty of time to gain a solid grasp of the material.
Your AP teachers can help you get accounts set up to receive practice AP questions. Take advantage of these practice questions and use actual AP exam time constraints to give yourself a good idea of how well you will do on the exam.
Whenever you miss questions, make sure to review your mistakes thoroughly so that you don’t repeat them in the future. If you just ignore your mistakes, you won’t learn from them, and you could make them again on test day.
Get a tutor
AP tests are expensive, you don’t want to go into one unprepared. Hiring a tutor can help you make sure that you are well prepared for the AP exams you plan to take so that you don’t have to worry about taking the test and getting a low score.
Remember, your AP scores can help you earn college credit, saving you time and money when it’s time for you to go to college.
Prep Expert offers private AP tutoring that can help you get on the right track to be successful on your AP exams.
Sign up for private tutoring today when you visit Prep Expert.