The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
As August comes to an end and September nears and the weather begins to catch a breeze. Yet it’s still warm enough to enjoy the outdoors. When the stores begin to bring out their fall collections, and you start to see the summer items hit clearance. When the trees start to gain color and the world looks more lively. That is my favorite time of the year. And lucky for me, that time is finally on its way. I LOVE when autumn comes around because with autumn comes Halloween. Halloween is hands down my favorite holiday time of the year. This along with this with the brisk season brings all of my favorite activities to do with friends and family. Scary movies are one of my favorite pastimes. I love horror and love the thrill of getting scared. It also means haunted hayrides and haunted houses make their yearly revival. Planning my Halloween costumes always means a dedicated week of scouring online for perfect pieces to create an intricate and well-crafted costume. This time of year also means my house’s candy dish is always full, allowing me a sweet snack whenever I want. Pumpkins are also a big deal at my house. It’s almost necessary each year to buy a pumpkin to carve and light up the room as we watch scary movies and eat baked pumpkin seeds. Although it’s early and August hasn’t ended quite yet, I’ve already begun buying small decorations and Halloween-themed items to place around my house. No matter what anyone says, my Halloween time starts the day September begins.