Best Tracks for Back to School


A new school year is always nerve-wracking, but a whole new school, new friends, and new surroundings can be even more nerve-racking. In the moments of intense stress, anxiety, excitement, loneliness, and joy, music is a constant that so many people turn to. These are my must listen to recent releases if you’re going back to school this month!

“Loud & Clear” by Heart Attack Man

Cleveland natives, Heart Attack Man, just released their latest single “Loud & Clear.” The single is a significant change up from what Heart Attack Man fans may be used to. The song is much more emotional, and slow, and signifies growing. This single is perfect for going back to school, as the singer looks back on his early 20s on the track. “Loud & Clear” will remind you that you don’t have to have everything figured out right now. Things will only get better from here, and make sure to still enjoy what’s going on around you now. The single also is a perfect sound for a roll into fall from summer.

What On Gods Green Earth by Normy

If you are absolutely pissed off about being back in school, What On Gods Green Earth by Ohio’s own Normy is for you. This punk EP exudes angst and anger, so it doubles as the perfect workout music. This is Normy’s first release, and they already have a well-established sound without sounding the same on every track. “Fencewalker” will make you feel like the main character in something like SLC Punk, while “World War 3” will make you feel like you just stepped out of Freaks and Geeks or went to a Green Day show. Hate college? Roommates suck? Garbage professor? What On Gods Green Earth by Normy is the soundtrack to your school year.

Hella by Just Friends

If you could imagine what a Frat Goes Alternative album would sound like, this is it. Hella by Just Friends will make you want to dance your ass off. It’s impossible to let any of the college stress drag you down with these tracks in your ears. The Bay Area band blends a wide variety of vocals, instruments, horns, and music styles into this album that perfectly encapsulates the band and all the good vibes that come with going back to college. Hella doesn’t let you forget about all the good things going on in your life at that moment. “Hot” is the perfect song for when you’re getting ready to go out for a night on the town. “Basic” is the perfect song to put over a video recap of your fall semester. Hella is an instant dance party, so if that’s what you need to get through the start of college, look no further than Just Friends.

40 Oz. to Fresno by Joyce Manor

40 Oz. to Fresno by California’s Joyce Manor makes me feel like the tunnel scene in The Perks of Being a Wallflower (iykyk, and if you don’t know, go watch the movie – I’m begging you). In classic Joyce Manor fashion, this only 17 minute album is gritty and emotional. If you feel somewhat out of place in college or teenage dirtbag-esque, 40 Oz. to Fresno will scratch the right part of your brain. It’s upbeat enough to dance around your kitchen to, emotional enough to cry to, and raw enough to take a long walk through campus to. Definitely an ideal backing track for a fall sad girl walk.

“Drink Milk and Run” by Hot Mulligan

Lansing, Michigan’s own post-emo band Hot Mulligan released their single “Drink Milk and Run” a few weeks ago. If you are someone that always feels the looming dread of getting older, getting a job, or getting married, Hot Mulligan puts all of that dread into a dance-around-the-living-room track. The lyrics can help you feel more seen in your fears, while the instrumentation makes you want to put your windows down and drive. A personal hometown favorite of mine, Hot Mulligan never disappoints.

Back to school season will always, inevitably, be chaotic and stressful. However, it’s also exciting and new! Whatever your feelings are about going back to school, one of these releases is bound to hit you in the sweet spot.

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