My Favorite Studying Tips | Her Campus


Summer just ended so you know what that means: school is now in session. For some of us, this could be our third year at college and we’re just dreading the continuous assigned work, but for others this could be their first year, not knowing what to expect and feeling overwhelmed already. More specifically if you are a freshman or you know that you have difficulty with studying, this article is perfect for you. 

I am currently a junior and I would like to believe that I have MOSTLY figured out the best and most beneficial studying tips. I have survived two years of college with these, so I hope they will help you too. 

Since I’m a communication major and writing minor, my courses include an immense amount of reading and note-taking. Sometimes the readings are way too long to the point where I zone out and completely forget that I am even reading. When that happens, it kinda stinks because you realize “Oh, well I have no idea what I just read” and you come to the conclusion that you have to reread it. 

One way to stop this zoning-out curse from happening is sticky notes and highlighters. Be an active reader. write down notes on things that spark your interest, highlight an important quote, write down why that quote is highlighted, write down any questions you have, underline things you like and, and write down the things you disagree with. Active reading helps you not zone out and also helps you remember what you are reading. The notes also are a great way to collect your thoughts for class discussions.

It is important to create a bond with your professor in each class. This bond allows you to feel more comfortable to talk in class during discussions, ask questions when you are confused, as well as work with them for future internship opportunities. One of the best studying tips that I can give you is to go to your professors office hours. When I was a freshman, I do not remember going into office hours or even emailing my professors. I really regret that now. During office hours you can get further explanation of the discussion that was during class. This will help you understand the topics better, which then will lead to a better grade. 

One last thing that I will tell you is to also try to be organized. Your brain will be happy. Things you can do to be organized are get a planner, color coordinate class materials, and have a folder. I know a folder reminds you of elementary school, but having just one still in college is great. You can put all of your loose papers in this folder. You will thank yourself later. 

To all of the first years, good luck with your courses! You don’t need to feel overwhelmed with the work, just follow these easy studying tips and I promise you, your first semester at college will be easy going.

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