The Bachelor Hometowns & Women Tell All Recap!


This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hofstra chapter.

With the final three women remaining, Joey has a hard decision to make. Let’s recap! 

Episode Nine:

Joey and the three final women are in Tulum! Before the week’s events unfold, the three ladies each receive some wisdom from one of The Golden Bachelor women. Susan explains to Rachel that “you have to love yourself before you can love anybody else.”

For her date with Joey, Rachel and the bachelor go swimming in a cenote. After the two jump into the water, Rachel hurts her jaw. The pair ultimately end up at the hospital to make sure Rachel is okay – and thankfully she is! 

At dinner, Rachel shares that she knows she hasn’t opened up to the bachelor that much and explains that she’s worried about “playing catch-up” to the other two women. Joey reassures her and hands her the Fantasy Suite card. Rachel accepts, and the pair spend the night together in the Fantasy Suite.

Kelsey spends some time talking to Leslie from The Golden Bachelor. Leslie tells Kelsey to be “open” and “completely organic” during the overnight date. But she also reminded Kelsey of her own experience, and shared, “Just always have something in the back of your head that you might not be it.” Leslie reminds Kelsey that Joey would be very lucky to have her and wishes her luck. 

Kelsey then meets Joey at a dock, and the pair board a yacht together. The boat brings the two of them to a cove, where they got to swim around and spend time together. At dinner, Kelsey tells Joey how she’s anxious after her time with Leslie. Joey explains that he gets how she feels after being the runner-up on Charity Lawson’s Bachelorette season. Kelsey tells Joey she loves him, and the two spend the night together in the Fantasy Suite.

The next morning, Joey and Kelsey are cooking breakfast and it’s clear the pair had a good night together. Meanwhile, Daisy is spending some time with Sandra from The Golden Bachelor. Sandra tells Daisy she should “keep those positive thoughts” and not worry about the other women. “Be open, and don’t be afraid to talk with Joey, talk about your expectations, what’s in your head,” Sandra adds.

Daisy and Joey spend their time together riding around the jungle on an ATV. At dinner, Daisy shares how she worries about her feelings not being reciprocated. Joey appreciates her honesty, and explains he can relate since not having his own feelings be reciprocated is his biggest fear. Daisy and Joey spend the rest of their evening in the Fantasy Suite.

Back at the hotel, Kelsey is beginning to overthink her conversation with Leslie. She begins to spiral and writes Joey a note that reads “We need to talk.” She leaves the card by Joey’s hotel room door, which he finds when he returns back to his room.

Episode Ten (The Women Tell All):

The Women Tell All began in the Thunderdome with 16 of this season’s women on the floor. The evening began with a montage of some of this season’s most drama-filled moments. 

After the recap, Maria shares that Lea throwing the “steal a one-on-one date” card in the fireplace felt like a performance due to how she treated the women for the rest of the season. Madina agrees, which leads to the women beginning to fight. 

Madina asks for Lea to apologize, and Lea does. The next topic of conversation is who actually told Lea to “shut the f up.” Maria once again denies it wasn’t her who said it, and Lauren says, “Because I said it!” Lea begins to break down in tears, and Maria runs over to her during the commercial break to give her a hug.

Madina admits that she shouldn’t have used the word “bullied” to describe Maria’s comments. Sydney adds that during the “age drama,” she was only trying to defend a friend, but Edwina interrupts saying, “That’s not what it was! You just never liked Maria – that’s what it was.” Sydney tries to defend herself, but Edwina adds, “I saw it. I observed. Don’t try to stop me from saying what I feel.”

Maria joins the conversation by adding that she only ever told Sydney to “zip it” once. Jess adds that she also felt “shut down” by Maria multiple times. “The way she handled things was not okay, and she’s not taking accountability for that,” Jess explained. After some back and forth shouting from the women, it’s time for the first hot seat. 

Lexi takes the hot seat to discuss her unexpected departure from the show. Lexi shared she was grateful for Joey’s response to her situation and decision to leave. Jenn was in the hot seat next to talk about her time on the show and her appreciation for Joey.

Maria had the final hot seat segment of the night. Maria shared her ending with Joey was upsetting, but that “everything happens for a reason.” Host Jesse Palmer brought up the Sydney and Lea situations, and Maria responded by saying that the social media hate the ladies have been receiving “has crossed the line, and it is something I do not condone or respect as well.” Maria then runs over to give Sydney and Lea a hug. 

The episode then picks back up where last week’s episode ended, with Joey reading Kelsey’s note. Kelsey shows up at Joey’s hotel room to talk. She explains, “I feel like we made a promise to each other about being honest about communicating our feelings… I just wanted to verbalize that it’s hard not seeing you, and the days in between are always so hard… I just wanted to tell you how much I miss you when I’m not there.” Joey is relieved to hear Kelsey’s words.

It is then time for the final rose ceremony of the season, which will narrow down the women to Joey’s final two. Joey ultimately gives a rose to Daisy and Kelsey, sending Rachel home. 

In the Thunderdome, Rachel is in the hot seat, and is getting to talk to Joey for the first time since Mexico. Rachel shares that she has been receiving a lot of racist comments since the hometowns episode aired. Jesse Palmer asks the ladies if they have been receiving hate comments this season as well, and a majority of them raise their hand. Jesse Palmer makes a statement to the audience that although having opinions about the show is great, sending someone a hate comment is not.

After a commercial break and a blooper reel, the episode ends with a preview of the finale – which Joey left the room for. 

Who do you think Joey will pick?

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