To Me, From Me | Her Campus


To freshman year Logan Swift, 

Wow. Three years from now, you’ll be sitting on your couch in utter disbelief that the time has passed. You’re probably wondering if you got an apartment with Griffin at The Ave. Luckily, you’re still with him! About The Ave… that ended up being a big no. Instead, Griffin’s mom worked her realtor magic to ensure that you got a wonderful small apartment at half the price!

As for the people you’re surrounded with, some will stay and some will go. Some you don’t speak to, and some you can’t speak to. I can’t lie, it will hurt you so, so much. But it will shape you into one of the strongest people you know. You will build relationships with people who give you so much love. You will learn that you didn’t have to change who you were in order to find the people who respect you. 

Lastly, you will find what you are destined to do. I know you’re currently contemplating the wedding planning lifestyle, but we both know that you’re too stressed out for that world. You will discover how much you thrive from creativity. Unfortunately, this discovery is due to being trapped in your house for a year because of a horrible pandemic. As you sit in your house alone with your dog, you’ll start becoming fascinated with Canva to design random social media posts. You’ll discover that the social media industry is constantly growing, and you want to grow right beside it. Social media marketing is what you will consistently shape your career path around. You’ll do so many more internships than you ever originally planned, and it will teach you many many amazing things. 

To the girl who is so scared to grow, I promise the plunge is worthwhile. To the girl who feels like she doesn’t fit in, I promise that both patience and confidence will take you far. To the girl who’s confused about her future, I promise that you will find your path. To the girl who’s scared of the world outside of her dorm room, I promise that stepping outside will take you to the joy you deserve. 


Senior year Logan Swift

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