My “Must-Haves” For a Restful Night In


The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UWindsor chapter.

The winter blues make many mundane tasks seem nearly impossible, yet we continue to get them done every day. For us university students, this melancholic season comes with an extra layer of challenges: trekking across campus on icy sidewalks with sharp winds to make it to our lectures – that we don’t even want to attend. Although at times it may feel like showing up to class is the bare minimum, we need to acknowledge all the moments where you could’ve turned around and said “maybe tomorrow.” With this logic, getting to class is an accomplishment and one might suggest that accomplishments should be rewarded, and there’s nothing better than treating yourself to a cozy night in. I’ve compiled a list of “must-have” items that I need in order to make the most of this self awarded reward.

  1. Lighting

Although I have quite literally zero experience in the stage crew realm, I can entirely attest that lighting really does in fact set the ambiance. Before you assume, no I do not mean setting your 2020 LED lights to a fun colour, I mean opting for warm tones, and avoiding overhead lighting. Most of us typically have an overhead light in our bedroom. I personally find that this creates harsher lighting which makes it harder for my brain to relax and feel at ease. This is why I opt for either a salt lamp with a warm tone light bulb, or a sunset lamp. Although I don’t have a sunset lamp, I absolutely love going to a friend’s house whenever they have it plugged in. The pinky, orangey tones create an overwhelming sense of peace of mind.

  1. Blankets (plural)

You know when you’re at the checkout at Indigo and they offer you their blankets at a discount (because you spent so much money)? Yeah, I always buy the blanket. Most of the time I question: why did I impulsively buy that? But then I remember my cozy nights in. When I’m getting ready for a night in, I always make sure that I have at least four or five blankets on my bed. The perfect mix of fuzzy blankets and some thicker ones to add some weight to it. It’s always the perfect combination for keeping me warm, especially during these subfreezing temperatures we’ve been having.

  1. Candle

I have several candles that reside on the corner of my desk, waiting for their turn to be used. Because I partook in multiple secret santa gift exchanges this past holiday season,  I received several candles (easy but useful gifts). So when the occasion to use one comes about, I have a plethora to choose from. On my most recent night in, I opted for the Bath and Body works “Stress Relief” candle – still unsure if it worked. The candle flame lighting definitely adds to the cozy and warm ambience, as well as provides a lovely scent.

  1. Source of entertainment to unwind

Depending on my mood this can be something tactile such as crocheting or playing guitar, whereas other times this is simply watching a comfort show. For most people reading, hobbies or something playing on the TV will do the trick, but the best way for me to find comfort is through trial and error. The only real criteria is that it is something calming and that it takes my mind off of whatever stressors are currently taking over my  life.

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